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Sell a customizable product (form fields) WordPress


I want to sell a product on my wordpress site where the users can fill a form and get directed to paypal for payment.

Here is an example of the type of data they would need to enter:

I have tried "Contact Form 7" plugin to create form and under advance setting, I am redirecting people to paypal payment link ( on_sent_ok: "location = '';) but my problem is that when someone fills the form and gets directed to paypal payment page and when they dont continue with payment and go back to the site or close it, I still get the email from the form filled by the user.

I want to somehow add the logic where a user fills the information, goes to paypal and makes a payment and when the paypal ipn notifies the site that payment was made and redirect the buyer to site, then only the form should be emailed to me.

I dont want someone to code a full payment plugin, I want to know if there is already a solution or plugin that allows me to do that. Either a form plugin that allows you to accept payments (like gravity forms) or ecommerce plugin that lets you enter custom form fields on product page.

Please suggest a solution that would do what I need.

Thank you.

Update: After filling out the question on here, I realized that I need same solution like wpQuestions. Say when they fill the form it directs to paypal (which I am able to do now) but if they cancel and dont go on with the transaction, then I dont want to get an email with the form data.

Answers (5)


Ali Hussain answers:

If you could spend some amount, try using GravityForms.
They have recently released the Paypal feature [currently in beta] but will work with your requirement.

I suggest you use them.

Else for a fee, i could create you such a custom plugin for wordpress.


Victor Petrescu answers:

Give the "TDO Mini Forms" plugin a try.

It has a very customizable option under the "Form Hacker" submenu.
I used it to make a local copy of craigslist for Romanian classifieds (not 100% like Craigslist, it's a whole different scale):

The form I used allows people to add new classifieds to the website and, as I said, I could basically do anything I wanted with the forms.

If you don't manage to do it, you could post is as a job and I'll look into it.


Bob answers:

Nevermind I did not fully read you post sorry.


Daniel Wiener answers:

I have been using GravityForms 1.5 Beta. It works well and it can do what you are asking for. It is worth the money. So. I am seconding Ali Hussain's response.


Richard answers:

Gravity Forms is without doubt your best bet in my view. I've trialled the PayPal Add-On and it works really well. Another alternative you might like to consider is phpurchase. It integrates with Gravity Forms.


P.S. Note that to get the PayPal Add-On you'll need to buy a developer's licence. I think the pricing is going to change shortly though in a way that will enable you to buy a regular licence and a single Add-On, which might be cheaper overall.