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Scrolling V images cut (more $$$) WordPress


We have found a site and we love the scrolling effect with the images.
We understand that this isn't a Wordpress specific question, but know there are some talented developers on here!

We understand that a lot of work might have gone into this site and feel a little cheeky stealing the idea... but if we can achieve the same effect we would be extremely happy.

The site and page is:

We require the images to cut just how it is now, using a triangle shape.
The right hand side Team Member Nav is not required!

I started collecting all the files together from the site but quickly got lost and confused!

If anyone can simply rip the source files from the site so the effect works that would be perfect.

Or if anyone can replicate the effect, that would be good too.

We have played around with this example but couldn't get the V type cut on scroll...

** We are willing to here any quotes from people who are sure they are able to help. **

Many Thanks

Maybe this CSS property might help??
transform: rotate(-45deg);


Answers (3)


Sai kumar answers:


I find out the link provided and am able to do this. If you are interested please reply me. Am ready to do a sample for you.



Balanean Corneliu answers:

The interesting thinks of this function are the images. If you stop scrolling and try to save that image you can see is not a simple background image with a frame, seems like an image for each position/pixels. Its more then a css code...


Ryan S answers:


It seems that this site has a lot of JS 404 error

And I can replacite the the scrolling background for you with reasonable price range, just let me know.
