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Screwy CSS WordPress

There is something screwy on the css of my website... probably an issue with plugins and conflicting CSS but I'm not sure.

Here is the link:

Those ugly gray borders should not be there.

I need to know who the culprit is... what css file, and what line. Thank you.

Answers (2)


Romel Apuya answers:

add this at bottom of ur style.css

#content .entry-content p{
border: none;

#content .items .thumbnail img, #content .item-image img{

nepatriot comments:

if you check:

you will see the border still appears around the add to cart button

Romel Apuya comments:


#content .entry-content p{

border: none;



#content .entry-content p{

border: none !important;



Dbranes answers:

Here is a quick-fix:

.entry-content .product.woocommerce {border:none !important;}
.entry-content .item-image img {background:none;}

It looks like the gray 4px border is set via this inline style:

<p class="product woocommerce" style="border:4px solid #ccc; padding: 12px;">

and the gray image background for the <em>.item-image</em> class is set here:



.item-image img{background:#cfcfcf;border:1px solid #b6b6b6;padding:5px;}

Dbranes comments:

I can see you tried it with success,

the gray borders are gone

nice ;-)