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Scraping data to custom post type. Works, but I need one more item. WordPress


I've got a product scraper that currently pulls content from a website, and populates a master WordPress site. The scraper has been created, but I need it to pull images too, and it wasn't coded to do that. It's only pulling text.

The guy who developed it is unavailable right now, so I need to get someone else to complete.

Here's an example page of what it's scraping:

Here's an example of the custom post type it's populating:

I'm not sure how long it will take to complete the additional image pull. I just need the first image from the target site, not the gallery of images. Here's what I need in detail:

1) To pull the image
2) To edit the template file to pull that image in.

And to be clear, I'm trying to find someone to just do this work -- Not tell me how to do it as it's a bit over my head.

Current plugin code:

Answers (2)


Reigel Gallarde answers:

Please email me, [email protected] if no one will take this.


Kyle answers:

There was nothing attached, I suggest using github or to share the existing code

Kyler Boudreau comments:

Thanks. I'm adding a link now.