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SEO frindly ecommerce site + a link in menu WordPress


I rather not make the site public, but please ask your questions and I will then pick one to fix this, you will then have access to site admin

Hello - the site with some troubles is
1. I need product categories like on this site on top menu on my site its named "wall decals"
2. now you are on wall decals page you see url say /product-page but it has to say "wall-decals"
3. When you look at and have cursor over cartoon on the left you see the url is not seo friendly, also the products on page. If
you look here and have cursor over latest products you have real seo friendly urls, like it should be. check related products at the bottom you
have non seo friendly urls.

Any interest in this little job.

Answers (4)


RNWest answers:

Hi there,

I do not know this theme so lets try the easiest first..

1) Go to wordpress>>setting>> permalinks and select the wordpress setting "postname"

2) If this does not work try custom.. /%category%/%postname%/

Fireblade comments:

already did that,so thats not the problem


Linda answers:

Hi, so if you have an about page does it look like or Also, what e-commerce plugin are you using?

Fireblade comments:

/about-us/ thats how it looks. wp-e-commerce is used but is placed /wp-content/themes/Icarus/plugins


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Did you change the permalinks AFTER you set up the plugin?

Did you give write permissions to .htaccess?

You can change those links by going to the plugin's admin page (eCommerce) > Shop Options.

Fireblade comments:

after or before im not sure, htaccess is 777 - I have this suspicion that the seo thing dont work be cause the e-commerce is in the themes folder.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:


You have to install wp ecommerce into /plugins directory like the rest.

Fireblade comments:

yes I have thought about that many times, maybe I should try it, i will let you know

Fireblade comments:

if i just remove the files to plugin folder I get all errors, so guess it was ment that way or I need to change something

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

I don't know how WP E-Commerce has been running out of plugins dir.

Have you followed this steps? [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Fireblade comments:

right now there is no e-commerce in the plugin folder, be cause its in the themes folder. would you have me to deactivate the theme move the folder to plugin and then install activate theme again.


Daniel Yoen answers:


try to add :

'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'any-slug', 'with_front' => FALSE)

in your register_post_type function

Fireblade comments:

im not sure where to find that,is that the name of the file