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S3 slider not showing one image WordPress


For some reason, the S3 slider on the homepage always shows 1 less image than what is set. Currently there are 3 featured bikes, however the site is only showing 2 at a time. When the page is refreshed, it will show a different set of 2. When I add a 4th bike, it will show 3. I would like to figure out why this is happening.

Answers (1)


timDesain Nanang answers:

according to How to Use ([[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]])

<div id="s3slider">
<ul id="s3sliderContent">
<li class="s3sliderImage">
<img src="#">
<span>Your text comes here</span>
<li class="s3sliderImage">
<img src="#">
<span>Your text comes here</span>
<div class="clear s3sliderImage"></div>

<div class="clear s3sliderImage"></div>

<strong><div class="clear s3sliderImage"></div></strong> should be placed inside the ul tag (it's weird and wrong, but that's how it works)

your code :
<div class="clear s3sliderImage"></div>

kld53 comments:

Looks like that did it. Thanks!