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Rush Job - content slider plugin edit WordPress


Hi, I've been playing with this for a few days and can't find a featured content slider that does what I need. Here are some I've tried.

<blockquote>wp featured content slider: love the look and smooth carousel of this one. However it doesn't support multiple sliders (different pages) and it strips tags out of the content.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Smooth Slider: supports multiple sliders but does not have a carousel transition so it gives that annoying snap back to the beginning slide. Definitely don't want that. It does have the nice function that when the featured image is smaller the text content stretches to fill the space. I really like that feature.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Premium featured content slider - looked promising and the code canyon comments indicated that is supported multiple sliders but when I I found that wasn't true so I never tried to style it and check out the feature. But I do own it if you can use that one</blockquote>

So here is the job. Either edit an existing plugin (one of the above or another) or create your own. Here are the features I need.

1. uses featured posts and images
2. Supports multiple sliders on different pages (one for home, another for pages, another for posts)
3. has php for adding it to the templates (shortcodes aren't needed)
4. carousel type slide (no snapping back to the beginning)
5. text content stretches when image size is smaller
6. auto slide function
7. does not strip html tags out of the post content
8. styleable.

As stated in the title - I've wasted a lot of time testing & playing and now I'm under the gun to get this finished today.

possible future work (real possible in the very near future) for the guru who can help.

Answers (3)


Duncan O'Neill answers:

Hi Borzoid,

would you be happy with a rewrite of the wp featured content slider so that it supports more than one instance of the slider? To appear on different pages?



Connie Taylor comments:

Hi Duncan, when aer you able to work on this?

Connie Taylor comments:

Oh, and another question. Are you able to change it so that it keeps html tags in the post content on the slider?

Duncan O'Neill comments:

Hi Borzoid,

I'm working on it now. But because I risk someone else coming up with a solution before I do, I'm also working on other projects. That risk also means I can't give you a guaranteed ETA, although I expect to be able to come up with something within, say, 4 hours.



Connie Taylor comments:

outstanding. Message me if you need any input.

Connie Taylor comments:

I will be up and working then so please don't hesitate.

Connie Taylor comments:

The code you sent worked perfectly. thank you so much.


Hardeep Singh answers:

This can be achieved but not today.
You can reach me at Skype (worldofharry) to discuss the timeline & function.


Connie Taylor comments:

Thank you - but since there are wpquestions answers by you that are similar in nature to this I would like to see if there are other responders before leaving the wpquestions system.


Romel Apuya answers:

try this one [[LINK href=""]]slimbox[[/LINK]]

Connie Taylor comments:

that's a lightbox type plug in. Not a content slider

Romel Apuya comments:

i can also help you with this see a demo of the thing ive done with [[LINK href=""]]slimbox.[[/LINK]]

Connie Taylor comments:

That isn't a content slider.

Romel Apuya comments:

ahh sorry...maybe [[LINK href=""]]slideck[[/LINK]] will help.. :-)