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Roots theme/framework advice WordPress

Right now I am using a custom theme I made up in which I use index.php for index single archive page category tag and search - basically every page - everything is styled similar and it really helps me with my workflow - its not hard to add an if this then that statement when I need it

Would I benefit from moving over into Roots? I am also using bootstrap - or is there any other theme or framework that does this? I didn't set out to do it this way its just evolved as I went and has been the easiest for me in developing my site

Answers (5)


timDesain Nanang answers:

Take a look Shoestrap: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

timDesain Nanang comments:

Shoestrap 3 is open source, mobile first, responsive, and built on solid code bases like <strong>Bootstrap</strong>, <strong>Redux </strong> and <strong>HTML5 Boilerplate</strong>.

Shoestrap 3 can be combined with <strong>Kirki</strong> (Tired of all the bloated options frameworks? You can use the WordPress Customizer instead, and extend it using Kirki!).


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Katie,

Redux framework will make your work like a charm.
if you are interested I would like to give a presentation for you and also suggest the best way to accomplish this.
you can nearly set up an environment like genesis and dynamik theme does.

This is something we have worked out in a long run.
Have a great day Katie


Rowela Alzona answers:

Hi Katie,

Currently I got a good recommendations from a fellow coders to use "" and maybe you can also try.

But there are other references of other good frameworks:


Remy answers:

If you're planning on creating themes and really understanding how the WP template system works, I think the best way is to keep doing your own custom theme, but at the same time looking at good references like [[LINK href=""]]underscores[[/LINK]] which is created by the same people as WP. By looking at the code, you'll be able to see how to do things "the WP way" and without too much bloat.

Beware of some frameworks that can do everything, and end up being overwhelming for a new user.


Bob answers:

I have used [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] in few website.

maybe it become helpful to you.