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Rich Text Editor in Multiple Metaboxes? WordPress


<strong>The scenario:</strong>
I have custom content (post) types that need multiple metaboxes with textareas using the rich text editing features of the TinyMCE editor.

<strong>The problem:</strong>
You can scour the Codex and all the blog posts in the world, but nothing provides a good enough resource to be able to replicate it. Even the best plugin developers have shied away from this.

<strong>What is needed:</strong>
A <em>well</em> documented answer that is easily replicated. I'm assuming the formatted content within the textarea of the TinyMCE editor metabox could be stored as a value in custom fields - please explain why this is or is not the case.

<strong>What will be done with your fine, fine answer:</strong>
I'll use it. I'll cite your brilliance in anything I use it in (posts, projects, yada, yada). I'll include it in a custom content framework plugin I'm creating to teach others how to do this.

Answers (4)


Scott Clark answers:

Just FYI, it's impossible to have multiple TinyMCE editors (with media bar and html / visual tabs) in WP right now. Now that that's out of the way, it is possible to have multiple TinyMCE editors (with media bar and html / visual tabs) using some custom code.

If you want it, just go to [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

There's a plugin there that contains a function called "pods_tinymce" which will allow for multiple editors. It's got some custom js / css too.

Now as far as implementing and customizing further, you're on your own unfortunately as I've got some prior commitments for this week. I'm not looking for $10, just hope this helps. Good luck with everything ;)

Scott Clark comments:

@paul de wouters answer towards Kyle:

You should check that plugin out and see if you can use the TinyMCE code it's using in your own stuff. It may be using a similar solution to the one I've come up with for the TinyMCE for Pods.

Kyle Jones comments:

Thanks, Scott.
I'll see what I can gather from your work and the Custom Field Template.

Good luck with Pods!

Scott Clark comments:

BTW, I'm saying "impossible" as in, "impossible". I've spent countless hours with all the built-in functions and it's an issue with the custom JS integration WP is using, it's not coded with multiple editors in mind (html / visual box is bugged as well as the media bar)

Kyle Jones comments:

Yea, I remember reading one of your posts in the support forums to that effect (interestingly, that topic was closed for some reason...). Actually, it was one of the biggest reasons I posted here - I wanted to see if we couldn't pull more people out of the woodwork to take a look at this.

Sometimes I wonder why "they" make it so difficult to add additional CMS components into WP?


Scott Clark comments:

I'm hoping to make my code eventually as a patch on that ticket


wjm answers:

i have the code that you need since I created it for another project,
give me a few hours to get back to you on this,
also if you can reaise a little bit the prize, it would be good.

- wjm

Kyle Jones comments:

How much more loot do I need to entice you with :)

wjm comments:

Hi Kyle,
here it is,
i created a plugin, but its pretty much a class,
install it, activate it (read the usage instructions).
there are two versions, one that includes the visual/HTML buttons, and one that doesnt

I still need to work on some jquery code to set the same with and height for the html textarea as for the visual one.

here version 0.1
here's version 0.1.1 (With the visual/html buttons)

i created this class specially for you as i had it inserted in the code of another proyect.

how much more?
it's up to your generosity.

let me know if it work, or it doesnt.

- wjm

NOTE: your custom fields need to have set the ID and be textareas i guess

wjm comments:

the above code works when name and id of the textarea are the same.

Kyle Jones comments:

hey there-
i haven't had anytime to check out your answer but I will here in a bit.

Kyle Jones comments:


So your plugin is installed and activated and I'm using this as a metabox:
function ct_mb_editor2(){
global $post;
$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
$ct_mb_editor2 = $custom["ct_mb_editor2"][0];
//Load the rich text editor into the metabox
if ( class_exists( 'WjmTinymce' ) ) {
$richmetaboxes = new WjmTinymce();
$richmetaboxes->fields = array( 'ct_mb_editor2' );
$richmetaboxes->toggle_html_visual = true; // false if you dont want to show the HTML/VISUAL buttons
<textarea name="ct_mb_editor2" id="ct_mb_editor2"></textarea>

The metabox is there and so is the textarea but no rich text editor. Ideas?

wjm comments:

can you upload to pastebin the output of your admin page.

wjm comments:

and place the WjmTinyMCE in your functions.php but outside any function.
that maybe the reason why its not working (the class is being called too late)

wjm comments:

that is:

function ct_mb_editor2(){
global $post;
$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
$ct_mb_editor2 = $custom["ct_mb_editor2"][0];
<textarea name="ct_mb_editor2" id="ct_mb_editor2"></textarea>

//Load the rich text editor into the metabox
if ( class_exists( 'WjmTinymce' ) ) {
$richmetaboxes = new WjmTinymce();
$richmetaboxes->fields = array( 'ct_mb_editor2' );
$richmetaboxes->toggle_html_visual = true; // false if you dont want to show the HTML/VISUAL buttons

Kyle Jones comments:


Here's the plugin I'm using to add the metabox. It's used in conjunction with your plugin enabled. Still, I just get a textarea.
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Here's the output of the admin:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I'd love to get this to work. If you're willing to continue to work with me and help me understand I'll <em>definitely</em> up the reward here or just pay you directly.

Many thanks!

Kyle Jones comments:

well, I got it to work. it's a little rough around the edges with these noticeable issues:
1- It doesn't look like a regular metabox
2- It can't be relocated like a regular metabox unless in html mode

but, it is a working option so I'll award your the cash.

thanks for your assistance,