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Revolution slider WordPress


Im working on a wp template called "Impreza theme" and I want to have the slider on top of the page (the slider is now below the top picture)
But I want the slider to have the exact same look as the top-picture have right now...
With the transparent header and menu ect..

If I just drag the slider (section) on top of top-picture (visual composer) the slider looks weird and have top-margins and the navigation is floating on top of slider.

See screenshot,

url to testpage

Answers (3)


Bob answers:

can you please show screenshot of backend for this page?

can you give access of website if needed?

Bob comments:

Please try settings in attached image.

visual composer code in classic view

[vc_row section="yes" full_width="yes" parallax_speed="normal" full_height="yes" parallax_bg_width="110"][vc_column width="1/1"][rev_slider_vc alias="home3"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]

please replace slider slug.