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Resizing woocommerce images WordPress

So her's the deal, I'm making an amazon e-commerce shop and I'm importing all the images from amazon. I fastly realised that the images were fucking my website entirely. After that, I found in the documention file of my theme this:

Theme's image sizes can be changed inside Woocommerce > Settings > Products. Inside this section, provide image widths and height for different elements. After changing dimensions, click on "Save Changes". Once you are done, it will be required to regenerate thumbnails using Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin. Recommended Settings are:

Catalog Images: 256x256
Single Product Image: 458x458
Product Thumbnails:109x109

I did exacly what he said. It didn't work.

Now I'm asking you guys how I can do this without deleting all of my items.

Thanks in advance!

Answers (2)


Romel Apuya answers:

Sorry I did not see that you already installed regenerate Thumbnails..
Do you have a caching plugin??

Romel Apuya comments:

I can see that your images are already in that dimensions.
Maybe you can clear your web browser cache..

koolsnake3 comments:

All the images are ok even on this page?

Romel Apuya comments:



timDesain Nanang answers:

you will get mess the theme on:
- the catalog image if the dimension of image source (from amazon) less than 256 x 256 pixel.
- the single product image if the dimension of image source (from amazon) less than 458 x 458 pixel.

try to activate plugin: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
before regenerating thumbnails using Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin

<blockquote>This plugin enables upscaling of thumbnails for small media attachments. The default behaviour of WordPress is to not upscale small images, which means you are never guaranteed a certain size for a thumbnail format. This plugin corrects that and upscales small images to the specified thumbnail dimensions. This is beneficial in grid layouts where images of different sizes can make the grid malfunction.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Your thumbnails format must have the crop setting enabled (hard crop thicked) to be processed by this plugin.</blockquote>

<blockquote>After you have enabled Thumbnail Upscale plugin, all your future uploaded images will be upscaled. For existing images, install and run Regenerate Thumbnails This will upscale your existing media images!</blockquote>

<blockquote>can cause image distortion (<strong>blurriness</strong>). </blockquote>

koolsnake3 comments:

I'll try that thanks