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Replace header/menu with a custom menu WordPress

  • SOLVED is the site.

You'll notice that the current header is stationary with a logo and currently uses the UberMenu plugin underneath. I'd like to change the menu so that it operates like this site:

Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

your menu is of multilevel then what to do with dropdown menu item.

Patrick MacAdams comments:

I'm looking to hire someone to make this change for me. If you believe this will cost more than the $30 prize listed here, please let me know.

Arnav Joy comments:

please check the updates , I have done that.


Kyle answers:

Are you looking to implement the fixed position? or the page jump function?

If you are looking for fixed position try this:

#header {
position: fixed;
z-index: 1;

When you make it fixed though you will notice it messes up the style a little bit, I can help with that too if you need.


Dbranes answers:

Hi Patrick,

if you want your header to be like in this screenshot:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

(fixed header and the site scrolls underneath it)

one can add this into the style.css file in the current theme directory:

position: fixed;
z-index: 1;
width: 100%;
margin-top: 210px;

If you need help on this, just let me know.