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Removing some pattern from wp_posts post_excerpt column WordPress


Ok ,First i want to know you all that i am trying to migrate from xoops to wordpress.I think all of you know about XOOPS Cms. I have a problem that i can't resolve.

My wp_posts table post_excerpt column have data like this

[url=http://www.localhost/portal/uploads/different_imagenames.jpg][img align=right]http://www.localhost/portal/uploads/different_imagenames.jpg[/img][/url] Some text here

some are like this also
[img align=right]http://www.localhost/portal/uploads/different_imagenames.jpg[/img] Some text here

some are

[img]http://www.localhost/portal/uploads/different_imagenames.jpg[/img] Some text here

I want only clean data like that will be like this

Some text here

I tried almost everything but no success.Also tried

Please help me anyone.

Answers (1)


timDesain Nanang answers:

Have you tried these function:

bappa2543 comments:

but the shortcodes are not for wordpress.they belong to xoops.will it work??

timDesain Nanang comments:

put this code in the theme's functions.php:

add_shortcode( 'img', 'wpq_dummy_sc' );
add_shortcode( 'url', 'wpq_dummy_sc' );
function wpq_dummy_sc( $atts, $content="" ) {
return $content;

get the excerpt:

<?php echo strip_shortcodes( get_the_excerpt() ); ?>

bappa2543 comments:

ok it works but how can i format the content in post_exceprt column.I am also using all in seo plugin which pulls content from this post_exceprt column. so i see a meta description like
<strong>[url=http://www.localhost/portal/uploads/different_imagenames.jpg][img align=right]http://www.localhost/portal/uploads/different_imagenames.jpg[/img][/url]
Some text here

not like this

Some text here

bappa2543 comments:

is there any way to delete the unnecessary codes from the post_excerpt column in database to work like this.

timDesain Nanang comments:

I am sorry, I was away.

Yep, you need to create a custom query: [[LINK href=""]]wp_update_post[[/LINK]] and [[LINK href=""]]update_post_meta[[/LINK]]
within [[LINK href=""]]the loop[[/LINK]]