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Remove Mobile Navigation from theme WordPress


I'm using a theme (3clicks) which has built in mobile navigation which seems to come into effect at 1024px and 600px. I'd like to remove this and just have text links with dropdown. I include pic of how I'd like it to wrap, if this is possible (as the screen gets smaller the navigation gets smaller until probably 768px where it should wrap under the logo)
The site is
If you need further details let me know.

Answers (3)


Jayaram Y answers:

Hi Ailsa,

I can help you out.. I have done that using developer tools at my end.. You can check here.. I need files to make the necessary changes.. Please drop me an email at [email protected]

Ailsa Craig comments:

Problem solved - thanks Jayaram - great css work!


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:


So what you want is to change current nav to a menu based on <select>

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

You can create this <select> in your theme and then show/hide from it with a CSS and mediaqueries.

Ailsa Craig comments:

Sorry I'm going with Jayaram on this - almost solved. Thanks anyway.


Arnav Joy answers:

Hello Ailsa ,

So you to want menu to behave like this

Let me know i can help you