Hi, code to redirect old file to new wodrpress site does not work, this is the code in the .htaccess located in root directory:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
Redirect 301 /newsletter.php http://www.progettobenesserecompleto.it/iscrizione-newsletter/
Redirect 301 /corsi/corsi-e-seminari.php http://www.progettobenesserecompleto.it/corsi-e-seminari/
....other redirect 301
Other details:
My installation wp directory is:
What I'have done_
moved index.php and .htaccess file of this folder in the root directory
edit index,php in this way:
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
and in the Settings
> General make blog address (URL) points to
This is url i get in the next strange page:
Plase help me.
Michael Caputo answers:
Your settings shouldn't be
it should be:
Michael Caputo comments:
Also, the two redirects you mentioned above seem to be working fine for me.
maryhellen comments:
I did not write this:
but this
Still not working
Martin Pham answers:
Hey Mary,
Please config in the wp-admin >> setting >>> General
WordPress Address (URL): http://www.progettobenesserecompleto.it/nonabusaredegliunderscore
Site Address (URL): http://www.progettobenesserecompleto.it
Your 301 redirect working is fine
maryhellen comments:
I did it but still not working
Martin Pham comments:
please re-save Permalink after update site URL and remove .htaccess file in <strong>nonabusaredegliunderscore</strong> folder
maryhellen comments:
Sorry , i didi not understand , i have to delete or move?
Martin Pham comments:
<strong>1:</strong> Update site adress in Setting >>> General
<strong>WordPress Address (URL):</strong> http://www.progettobenesserecompleto.it/nonabusaredegliunderscore
<strong>Site Address (URL):</strong> http://www.progettobenesserecompleto.it
<strong>2:</strong> Re-save Permalinks on Setting >>> Permalinks
WP will automatically set the htaccess file into the ROOT folder [base Site Address (URL)]
<strong>3: </strong>
Remove htaccess file in the <strong>nonabusaredegliunderscore</strong> folder if it exists
maryhellen comments:
it does not work, may be I did something wrong:
before follow your instructions I have to delete .htaccess in the root directory (this file contains all the redirect 301 from ol static site to wordpress site?
Martin Pham comments:
no, you just delete htaccess file in the folder <strong>nonabusaredegliunderscore</strong> (Wordpess installation directory) if it exists.
Wordpess will update or create a new htaccess file in the root directory when you Re-save Permalinks AND You will not lose another code in the htaccess file.
maryhellen comments:
I've followed your instructions then in the folder nonabusaredegliunderscore there in no more .htaccess.
But i still getting error (i've attached screenhot)
Thanks for your patience.
I 've to resove as soon as possible to avoid google duplicate penalization-