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Radio and checkbox buttons will not show on a mobile device WordPress

I have a responsive php form that works and looks perfect on a desktop, but freakishly the radio buttons and the check boxes disappear on a mobile device on any browser.[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Answers (5)


Arnav Joy answers:

can you show your form?

lshishido comments:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

lshishido comments:


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


Check your media query in CSS.

Can you show your URL?

lshishido comments:


Bob answers:

css, images and javascript are not loading on your page!!!

lshishido comments:

try it again, I just reuploaded the file.

Bob comments:

accrding to this

and this|320|480|1

your form radio and checkbox are visible properly.

is it not visible in actual mobile phone?

lshishido comments:

They work perfectly on a desktop. They disappear on a mobile device.

Bob comments:

I do not have mobile right now to test, but it seems that you are hiding actual radio input and using background to show it [ style_form.css line no 2027 ].

using media query try to make it visible and remove background when user is viewing it in mobile.

other than that this link might become helpful to you.
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Bob comments:

It seems that there is trouble with iphone 4S only
did you test it with other mobiles.

lshishido comments:

It doesn't work on my Galaxy s4 on any brower

Bob comments:

If nothing work then you can try such selector specially for mobile user.

It supports.....
Mozilla FireFox
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Internet Explorer 9 (not fully supported)
Internet Explorer 10 Beta

lshishido comments:

My original programmer fixed the problem, but it would like to award you the money for trying to be the most helpful.


Balanean Corneliu answers:

I have tested now on my android phone 5.4" and its working perfect.


Deepak answers:

Try this

I think you have to make some changes in your script according to above links...