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Punctuation marks missing in post titles WordPress


WP is not showing any punctuation marks in the post titles.
How do I solve it?

This is the website: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

A couple of examples:
- Title says: “Why The Blog My Wine Drought”, but it should say “Why The Blog? My Wine Drought”
- Title says: “Wine Appreciation 101 Part 1”, but it should say “Wine Appreciation 101: Part 1”

I’m using WP 3.0 and the SilverOak Theme.


Answers (5)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Please contact with me.

Rashad Aliyev comments:

<em><strong>Mission Completed..</strong></em>


Arafat Rahman answers:

I can solve this problem. Please contact me. Need to take look into the theme files.


Tobias Bergius answers:

Do you see the punctuation marks on the edit page in your admin area?

Where you have <?php the_title(); ?> now, I guess you could try <?php echo $post->post_title ?> instead.


Nile Flores answers:

You are not writing special character ASCII code into the title?

You should not be having an issue if you are using the

<?php the_title(); ?>

in your template

Please check your index.php and single.php files to make sure that is there in your theme template.

I blog frequently and never have an issue putting in question marks or any other punctuation.


Oleg Butuzov answers: