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Product page shows up different when logged in as admin? Wootheme WordPress

So I have a web developer that is having a problem with creating my products page and we can’t figure it out.

When I am not logged in as admin I get the following products page screen shown bellow:

As soon as I login as admin I get the following correct products page:

This is the same exact page but it shows up different as soon as I logon.

Anyone else have this problem or maybe a solution? I did have a indian wordpress developer work on my site before. Also I have tried reinstalling wordpress, and moving it to a new domain. I am using a shared webhosting at

I really appreciate anyone that can help me out with this headache.

You can see the webpage here:

Best regards,


[email protected]

Answers (3)


Remy answers:

First thing to check is the template file displaying this product categories listing, to see if there is any code hanging the display between logged-in and not logged-in


Arnav Joy answers:

have you checked all settings in admin panel?


Giri answers:

I don't think its wootheme issue. I think that caused by your "jquery vertical accordion menu" plugin. Deactivate it.

Please note:

some themes might have different menu location for loggedin users and different menu location for non loggedin users. I mean like this screenshot. So check your menu locations by clicking Appearance -> Menus