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Product Addons Not increasing Price WordPress

I have product addons and its active. The addons get added to the cart but do not increase the amount of the cost. Im losing money. Lets say a customer orders a Tape to Dvd transfer for $14.95 and the Add-on is 1 copy at $7.99 plus the digital copy at $9.95. That 7.99+$9.95 is not increasing the total.

Answers (3)


Kyle answers:

It appears you set the product add-ons to <em>Negative</em>

32.89 - 9.95 - 7.99 = 14.95

Can you send a screenshot of the product add-on configuration in the backend?

nikorf579 comments:

How do i get to the back end configuration?

nikorf579 comments:

I noticed this when I switched to a different theme


IndiTheme - answers:

I think the problem source with your addons plugins, or your custom code template ( if you have your own custom template ).
I have WooCommerce product plugin in my dev site, and there are no problem ( Using Storefront WP Theme. )

IndiTheme - comments:

You should using <strong>WooCommerce Product addons</strong> to insert additional option.


Arnav Joy answers:

are you using any other add ons of woo ?

nikorf579 comments:

I have PDF Vouchers, Bulk Discount, Min/Max Quantities, Shipping Pro, Stripe Gateway, Pricing Deals Pro

Arnav Joy comments:

so can you test it by disabling other add on's for some time and check if they are causing this problem.