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Problems viewing my post once published WordPress


I have recently experienced some issues with my website. The problem is that I can no longer see my posts, I should specify that the post are still present (this doesn't mean they are not present) as you will see in the video I uploaded. It's just that I can view them unless I can go into the "edit" portion of my site. Here is a video (available in HD) that best describes what I'm going through. It's extremely frustrating because I use this site to study.

<a href="">
YouTube video</a>

Answers (5)


dr_killpatient answers:

Hi missionman.

Try to save again changes in Permalink Settings. (Settings > Permalink)
Make sure your .htaccess is writable (chmod 777)



Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Hi Missionaman,

Try the next. In the dashboard, see the preview when you are editing a post. If you can see it, I'm almost sure is a permalink problem.

Go to Settings -> Permalink -> Common setting, set default.

Try now. If you achieve to solve the problem it's a permalink problem.

To solve it, try the next. In your FTP client, set write permission to .htaccess. You have to set 666 to this file.

Try now to set the permalink as you want.

Tell me how it goes.

missionman comments:

This answered my question. All I did was go into Settings>Permalink Settings
at this point all I did was click on "Save Changes" I didn't change anything else.


Jerson Baguio answers:

I think its a issue of your permalink.

try to use the default permalink structure.


Arnav Joy answers:

please provide me the details of your site i can solve this issue. my id is : [email protected] or contact me at +919910253168



Julio Potier answers:


Can you try to deactivate each plugin ? If it works, reactivate them one by one to detect the bad guy.

See you !