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Problem with translation files Karma WordPress


I tried to translate the Karma theme in Dutch.
Followed the instructions in the Knowledge base (True Themes).
Translated the en_US.po (some of it, the words I thought would show up on the front end)
Updated the wp-config.php, entered nl_NL.po for Dutch

nl_NL .po and .mo are in the same directory as en_US .po and .mo

I am using the Karma child theme

Question: help me set this straight so the theme shows the right translations

Answers (4)


Julio Potier answers:

Hello send me your .po file, i'll tell you it's ok
[email protected]

see you !

jaaph comments:

Hi, here is the .po file

jaaph comments:

Hi Julio,

Thanks you for your help.
Your suggestion <em>totally </em>solved the problem!!!
Thanks again.


Ivaylo Draganov answers:

<blockquote>Updated the wp-config.php, entered nl_NL.po for Dutch</blockquote>


it should be just <strong>nl_NL</strong>. Check that first :--)

If wp-config.php is properly set and you have the [[LINK href=""]]core WP translation files[[/LINK]] in place, you should see your backend in dutch.

jaaph comments:


Here is a screenshot of the nl_NL. files
Does that look OK?