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Problem with code for admin menu to filter custom posts WordPress


I have some custom code in functions.php that was provided by @Gabriel_Reguly here on WPQuestions (

It creates a menu at the top of the admin list for a custom post type (contestentry) that filters posts by author but displays their value for a specific user_meta (acs_company_name) in the menu. The code is now causing edit.php?post_type=contestentry to generate a 500 error and is preventing Bulk and Quick Edit from working. Clicking quick edit results in a hash on the end of the URL but nothing else happens. Commenting out this code makes quick and bulk edit work again.

Gabriel, or someone else, could anyone help me revise this to eliminate the error and re-enable my Quick and Bulk edit capability?


Answers (1)


Dbranes answers:

Hi, what happens if you move the <strong>cmp()</strong> function outside of the <strong>wp_dropdown_users_modified()</strong> function ?

Adam Bundy comments:

Genius @Dbranes! Works like a charm. Thank you!