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Problem uploading images WordPress

I am having problems uploading images to Wordpress. I have tried both the WP uploader and the browser but it gives me an error message every time. I have tried 3 browsers and both tthe WP uploader and the browser one but no go.
It will successfully upload small images around 50K but the ones I need to upload are around 1 meg. It seems to upload but I get the error message and instead of an image in my library, i get a faded out grey and black image. When I try to select and insert into the post, nothing happens. I have had the WP site connected to the domain for a couple of years and uploading is usually routine. Note I am not a coder but can follow simple instructions to make code changes if relatively easy.


Answers (1)


timDesain Nanang answers:

you can close this double question, and Request a refund: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]