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Problem updating pages WordPress

Here is the thing,

When I edit a page and try to update, it takes me to the website and says “Sorry, the page your requested could not be found, or no longer exists.”

Website: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I am using Elegant Themes ArtSee theme 1.0, I have tried their latest one 2.7.

Any update made to a post works but I have issues with updating pages.

I have tried deactivating all the plugin, still did not work.
I have changed the permalinks and still did not work.
I added new admin user and still did not work
I even installed Geneses framework and their theme and still did not work.
I am on WP 3.1.2

I am doing this for free for a city non-profit group who are trying to get donation to build a kids park. They are on the last stretch to get more donations and let people know what is till available for purchase. I would like to get this resolve soon so the potential donor can see what they can purchase.

Hope someone can help.


Answers (5)


Kailey Lampert answers:

When you update a page, what URL does it try to take you to?

Tapna Shah comments:

If i change the permalink to default then it just takes me to list of post on the backend

Kailey Lampert comments:

What if you remove all the page content then hit update?

Tapna Shah comments:

This <strong>worked</strong>, but <strong>only for that page</strong>. It would be nice if it worked for all pages.

Kailey Lampert comments:

I think mod_security is the issue. You'll either need to make some changes to the .htaccess file, or contact your host.

Here's more info: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Dan | gteh answers:

Try disabling and then re-enabling permalinks under the Settings menu and see if that has any effect.

Tapna Shah comments:

I did go back to default and instead of "page can not ...." it takes me to Dashboard>Post

Dan | gteh comments:

Try adding this to your .htaccess file in the main folder

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterInheritance Off
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterPost Off


Jim Dugan answers:

Can you do a screenshot including the URL it's trying to access?
Have you changed the Settings/General/Site Address ?
If so, log out and back in.


AdamGold answers:

Hey Tapna, when you view the page normally, do you still get the 404 error?

I've found the following resource:

Can you please post here your WordPress logs so we can see the details of the error?


Tapna Shah comments:

website works just fine.

AdamGold comments:

Have you checked the link I sent?

Tapna Shah comments:

yes, but in my case the page does not get updated.


Just Me answers:

Did you move the site, from one server/domain to another? Did it ever work? What does your .htaccess file look like?