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Problem embedding Vimeo Vid using AutoFocus+ 1.3 WordPress


I'm relatively new to this and have been trying to learn on the fly.

I have this Vimeo video -

I would like to integrate the video into the top of this particular page -

My model would be this page from the AF demo site -

Right now this is the configuration that I have inputted into the test post that i have -

Can someone help guide me in the right direction for what I am doing wrong or something that I have not tried yet.

I have Wordpress 3.01 installed.

Answers (2)


Pippin Williamson answers:

Instead of just copying the URL, try using the embed code provided by Vimeo. When on your video, click "Embed", and it will give you this:

<iframe src=";color=29649e" width="656" height="369" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Then paste that into your post via the HTML editor (visual editor won't work).

You can also customize your embed options (such as size).

mcspeakeasy comments:

Pippin, thanks for this suggestion, and this worked, but my main objective is to put the video into the featured, top, section of the page. Is there a way to do this? using the same <iframe> structure?

Maybe if i turn my site to white, you can see what i mean. But the idea to get the video up top as well

Pippin Williamson comments:

Looks like everything Denzel Chia said is correct.


Denzel Chia answers:


Just input the vimeo URL to autofocus Post options will do.
No need to enter the same URL in post editor.

Go to wordpress admin media settings to enable oembed.


Denzel Chia comments:

I mean, Just paste in autofocus post options will do,
Do not paste in post editor.
Write all your text entries in post editor and click publish.
View post and you will see the vimeo video on top of the post.


Denzel Chia comments:

With reference to your screenshot, what you are doing is correct, just remove from post editor.

Denzel Chia comments:

Your twitter tweetmeme badge and Facebook like button are being duplicated in post content.
This may also cause some kind of conflict to vimeo video.

Please do not paste tweetmeme or fackbook button in post editor, if it is a plugin, disable it temporary to check if this is the reason interfering with your vimeo video.

Anyway, please try out and reply so that we can help effectively.


mcspeakeasy comments:

Denzel thanks for the help! under the first reply you made, I don't see an option to turn on oEmbed, i believe this is the latest version of AutoFocus+. The image below shows all the options available to me at this time.

I tried what you mentioned in your second reply. If you take a look at this new post that i made it does not seem to be working correctly. I removed the video embed from the Post Editor and I left the vimeo video in the 'post options' section.

As you can see it recognizes that there is supposed to be a black box there but it only displays the weblink, no oEmbed code...

I disabled the Twitter and Facebook plugins but it still is not functioning correctly.