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Private pages for each user? WordPress


I am thinking about a special way to use wordpress for a membership site, and I need some thoughts/suggestions/ideas:

I want users to only be able to see <strong>their own</strong> "private" pages. Users should also be able to edit their own pages, but not to see any other users' pages, neither in /wp-admin/, or in the front-end. In the front-end, it would be nice if the users' pages were shown in the menu, and the public ones of course, and maybe some "common" pages only available for members.

If they are not logged in, only public pages (set by admin) can be seen. Admin, of course, can see and edit all pages.

Is it possible to set these kinds of permissions on a per user/per page-basis? And for normal posts and custom post types?

Answers (3)


Ryan Riatno answers:

Try [[LINK href=""]]role scoper[[/LINK]]

Ryan Riatno comments:

I don't tested it in pages yet, but will work in a category.

Ryan Riatno comments:

Just tested new version of this plugin and it should solve your problem :)

Torstein Opperud comments:

It might be that this one is the best for the backend-part, but does it solve the frontend? Havent really looked that much into this plugin before, but maybe a combination of this one and S2... hmm...

Ryan Riatno comments:

It should work on the frontpage too, it will return 404 if unauthorized user reach the page/post. You can configure the permission in edit post/page metabox.


Peter Michael answers:

Coding your own membership site is a long way, maybe you should have a look at these plugins:

- [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
- [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Torstein Opperud comments:

Yeah, I have looked at those, but will they also work in the backend, so that each user also can edit their own pages?

(by the way - a simple membership-site is not that difficult or long to code, its quite simple using is_logged_in, but combining with payments and the backend/edit-part I mentioned, then things get more complicated ;) )

Peter Michael comments:

Use the Role Scoper plugin which Ryan mentioned in combination with a membership plugin for the subscription payments. Role Scoper can handle your requirements for the back-end.


Just Me answers:

I am setting up a site for paid and free content using
Might serve your needs too.

You can combine custom capabilities with member levels.
And if you outgrow this one, there is a pro version too.

Torstein Opperud comments:

Yeah, I have looked at that one, but will it also work in the backend, so that each user also can edit their own pages?