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Price Take Account of the Variations selections in Woocomerce WordPress


I need to Have a code to Add
1- Two Attributes and Associated Variations to Product as:
Attribute A => Variations [1|2|3|4|5|6|7]
Attribute B => Variations [1|2|3|4|5|6|7]
2- Remove The Default Quantity Selector in Shop and Cart
3- Control The Price Value by Sum of Two Attributes A, and B
4- Display The Attribute A, B Selectors in Cart Update as well
Please take a look at following image. I already added the Attributes and Variations through the Woocommerce GUI fields but I would like to have them by code.

Answers (1)


Balanean Corneliu answers:

I can help you with this, add me on skype id: balanean.corneliu
Or send me email at [email protected]