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Posts not displaying in chronological order WordPress


Not trying to be cheap here! I just have a feeling I'm missing something completely basic and obvious..

My posts aren't showing up in chronological order. I've searched every setting in my "general", "reading", and "writing" tabs but can't figure out why.

I'm not sure what page/code/screenshot I would need to post here for people to see where the issue is tho.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Anyone have an idea?

Answers (3)


Svilen Popov answers:

Open <strong>index.php/home.php</strong> of your theme and put this

<?php query_posts = ('orderby=date&order=DESC'); ?>

Ant Lively comments:

Hi Svilen,

Thanks for the quick response.. Where exactly should I enter this in my index.php page? [[LINK href=""]]Here's a link[[/LINK]] to my my index.php as it stands now..

Svilen Popov comments:

Replace the file <em>(index.php)</em> content with this

Ant Lively comments:

Hey Svilen. That solution didn't work but I finally figured out what the prob was and gave you the four bucks for trying to help.

It was a silly oversight on my end. I'm using a new theme ( and it turns out that there's a feature to mark posts as "sticky" to give them priority on the home page. Un-checking all of my posts resolved the issue =/


Just Me answers:

what order are they in now?

Ant Lively comments:

I can't figure it out! It seems like they're in a completely random order..? Weird.


Romel Apuya answers:

perhaps you could try

[[LINK href=""]]recent post order[[/LINK]]