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Posts gone from WP Dasboard + Access to plugins denied WordPress


Thanks but I have discovered the problem is not due to new installation.

It is a malware bug that affected all the blogs I host on one server. It has injected malicious scripts into all the uploaded versions of Wordpress and their htaccess files..

I have subsequently removed the scripts and changed all passwords serverwide.

Thanks for suggestions though...

For some reason, since updating to version 3.0.3 of Wordpress I am now no longer able to see any of my posts/pages/drafts etc. in the admin area.

They are listed as being there along the top header, but aren't there in list view.

Also, when trying to access plugin options, I am given the message "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."

I have accessed my Database and repaired, deactivated/reactivated all plugins. I've also set permalinks to default, again without success.

Also, when I add a new post, none of the right hand tool options are there - like post, draft etc...

Very strange.

Can anyone help?

Answers (6)


Evan Stein answers:

Did you try reinstalling WP?

Lee Jackson comments:

Yes. No success


Lee Rickler answers:

Also, try using twenty ten theme and see if you have the same results.

Lee Jackson comments:

Same results.


Maor Barazany answers:

Please try checking all the file permissions on the server. It might be that after you've re-installed / updated, the files gone to permission 644, while most of them should be 755, especially the .js files.

Lee Jackson comments:

Not sure whether they're right or wrong.

I know little about Technical aspects of Wordpress and backend tech stuff.

Maor Barazany comments:

If you want, mail me to maor [at] maorb [dot] info your FTP credentials - ftp host/username/password and I can check the files' permissions for you.


Kannan Sanjeevan answers:

Re install a old version and then update it to 3.0.3 and check if everything is ok or not . If you don't have the wp old version drop your email . i will sent it to you .


Lee Jackson comments:

Broken both times... any more suggestions?


Victor Teixeira answers:

I think you really have a WP permissions problem.
Try deactivating all plugins and then install the Members plugin.

Click on Configurations>Members components and activate the Edit Roles component.
Then Click on Users>Roles and click on Edit below Administrator.

Then check all the checkboxes and click Update Role.

PS: what's your php and mysql version?


Rashad Aliyev answers:

May I analyse your site problem visually? If your problem still there then give me your site credentials. You can find my info at my profile page.

best regards,

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Check you .htaccess file and copy here.

Lee Jackson comments:

AS I updated already - I have fixed the problem myself.


Rashad Aliyev comments:

Nice to hear you find your problem. Keep your site;)