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Plugin tips for my multi-user (mostly private) Wordpress blogsite WordPress


At the moment I am looking into the possibility to switch from a custom programmed blogsite (PHP) to a more well known platform like WordPress. But I need some experts to tell me if my wishes are already made possible through plugins. I tried to browse through the plugin database but it's too comprehensive and I hope you can help me out.

At the moment I have a blogsite where people can register and create their blogs. They can choose to 'lock' their blogs for people and search engines. Other people who want to read the blogs for a specific blogger can make a friend request and the blogger has to accept or deny them. After acceptance they can read all of that users blog. They also have to option to comment.

Does a plugin(s) like that already exists?

Answers (3)


Dbranes answers:

Hi, you should check out the <strong>BuddyPress</strong> multisite plugin:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

It might be a good starting point.

Here's another one that might interest you regarding the "friend" requests part:

[[LINK href=""]]

but I haven't tested it though.


Firoja_Imtosupport answers:


Can you provide url of the site and i can analyse and update you.


Spagroen comments:


I am sorry, I can not for now. It's about a delicate subject (adoption) and I need to respect my bloggers privacy.
But I am happy to answer any question you have.

Spagroen comments:

Thank you everyone, I have installed buddyPress and I will try to see if it matches my wishes!


Spencer Tomosvary answers:

Wordpress MU will allow you to (without any additional plugins) have 'people can register and create their blogs' and 'they can choose to 'lock' their blogs for people and search engines.

For friend requests, that's where you'd need to install the BuddyPress plugin and a BuddyPress compatible theme.

Since you can't post the link to your site, perhaps you can describe any additional features you're looking for and we can suggest the appropriate plugins.
