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Plugin idea WordPress


Hi there,

I need to give an intern to code an WordPress plugin that is simple enough to get started with this but also useful enough that it can be uploaded to the repository.

So all what I need is an idea for a usefull but still simple to code plugin.


Answers (5)


Vidyut Kale answers:

Some ideas:

1. History: Should be simple enough and useful to quickly refer to one of the pages read before. Just a sequence of links in a widget.
2. Tabbed admin edit screen, so that people don't scroll down to the end of the earth to add something relevant to the post that has scrolled way above.
3. Class array (more for a theme though) a simple panel on the right that mentions all the styling classes available so that people actually use them - you know pullquote, abbr, etc
4. Style outgoing links differently


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

when i post a comment there is a box "send me the next comments".
Idea of plugin : a box "send me only the response to my comment".


Pippin Williamson answers:

Simple plugin that adds additional settings to the WordPress settings panels for:
1. Excerpt length
2. Exclude categories from search results
3. Exclude categories from blog page and archives
4. Disable comments on all posts / pages

Or a plugin that adds two custom widgets:

1. Recent comments with avatars with widget setting to control number of comments to show
2. Recent posts widget that includes post thumbnails and control of number of posts to show


Denzel Chia answers:


I got two ideas.

1) A shortcode plugin that uses a user uploaded image as "signature" for signing off in a blog post.
2) A shortcode plugin that allows user to post highlighted statement with appropriate icons, such as exclamation mark icon for notices, or question mark icon for information, etc.

All these ideas allows you to teach your intern, WordPress Plugin structure, and shortcodes api.
And these ideas actually uses simple PHP to write a shortcode to create a few simple html codes.



Rashid Aliyev answers:

Need an idea? Make simple plugin wich allow user to post comments or login into WP bu yusing any of account from other system. Like Open ID, FaceBook Account, Twitter account, other worpress account, GrAvatar & etc.