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Plugin conflict with theme WordPress


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Note sidebar area

Using plugin Layer Slider WP

The layer slider widget (or any layer sliders) will not display in any sidebar, or in any place in the content area. As you can see, the slider works above the content area. I have ALL other plugins disabled. Can you see what the conflict is? It’s driving me crazy!

I think its a javascript conflict, but I can't figure out where it is.

Thanks for your help!

I figured it out.

I just had to change <div class="container pageContent clearfix"> to <div class="container pageContenthome"> in page.php

thanks for trying guys

Answers (3)


Yakir Sitbon answers:

I cannot see any error msg.. Can you paste here someone?

Dsmart comments:

no error message shows. When inspecting element, the widget seems to be there, however it does not display anything at all.

Yakir Sitbon comments:

I see element class: ls-layer get style with display: none..

Yakir Sitbon comments:

Try to input this slider in other place please..

Dsmart comments:

Exact slider is displaying properly abode content area. If I put anywhere below page title, it doesn't display.

I inputted into sidebar via Layer Slider widget.

Dsmart comments:

see updated info

Dsmart comments:

see it works on home page
but not on any other pages


Luis Abarca answers:

There's no Javascript errors, just a 404 with this image

Luis Abarca comments:

I can see the phone animation

Luis Abarca comments:

Try to use just 1 animation, theres 2 on the same page, 1 above, the one is wrking and the second one not showing anything

Dsmart comments:

didn't work :/

Dsmart comments:

see it works on home page
but not on any other pages


Daniel Yoen answers:

try to use default skin, should be in options panel

skin : 'defaultskin',

Dsmart comments:

using default skin. slide still not displaying.

Daniel Yoen comments:

try use different element id

<div id="layerslider_3"></div>
<div id="layerslider_4"></div>

hope this help :-)

Dsmart comments:

It should be pulling from the widget. I did not wrap in a div