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Plugin User Role Level Error WordPress


Hi Guys,

Using a plugin that works fine EXCEPT it throws an error when the user role is 'Subscriber' (level 0).

I've isolated the error & file but can't seem to fix it. It's a parse error with "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data". This error doesn't appear when the user is on any other level (admin, editor, author, contributor) etc - on all these it works as expected.

Will probably need someone to login and take a look - I can point you to where it's happening.

Thank you!

Answers (5)


Reigel Gallarde answers:

I want to take a look at it.
I can help you fixed it.
You can email me at [email protected]

or If you can provide a link now, that would be great.

elle007 comments:

Emailed :)

Reigel Gallarde comments:

as for anyone reading, the problem is when user is subscriber, the admin-ajax.php returns html and not JSON object. The reason of the posted error.

Reigel Gallarde comments:

Found the problem and got it fixed.

It's because the theme has a redirect function for the role subscriber.
To fixed it, I added a check for doing ajax.



Shoeb mirza answers:

Whats your website?


Pau answers:

If this still not solved, I can help you fix this. Email me [email protected] with site details.


Arnav Joy answers:

I would like to help you with this problem .
my mail is : [email protected]

please send me mail with access to website .


Mohamed Ahmed answers:

Could you send me email and confirm it will be fixed and any other issue also
My email is
[email protected]