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Picture does not show up correctly. WordPress


Here is our webpage ( and main picture does not show up after changing permalink from default to Numeric.

Developer of theme said, this is cause of database records.
Here is what they said
"You will need to go into your database and change all the url by removing the wordpress part"

Anybody can help or likw to know other opinion.

Answers (3)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Hello you've got problem about GDI or access on your site cache folder. Be sure you have got a cache folder and it's writable. For testing make permission 777 and let's to check it.

Rashad Aliyev comments:

For example look at site: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

But it's placing on your site as : [[LINK href=""]]Click to see it[[/LINK]]

atsushi shibano comments:

Any solution?

atsushi shibano comments:

I did chenge cache folder permission at /httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes/Productz/cache it is still same thing

Rashad Aliyev comments:

If you've got permission then must use SQL solution for remove it.

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Peter give true answer.


Peter Michael answers:

This works as well, removed the /wordpress/ part from the URL just as your Developer said: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I can send you a SQL query which you can run in your DB if you like, just PM me.

atsushi shibano comments:

I do not know pretty much about DB so can you send me SQL query?

Peter Michael comments:

Sent via PM.


Sənan Quliyev answers:

This is your thumb problem.