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Permalinks not working in FF or IE WordPress


Our site and do not work with Firefox or IE . I know it has something to do with the permalinks but cant figure it out??
I tried changing the htaccess then change permalink....but when I checked it was still not fixed in either browser after clearing the cache

Answers (3)


Lawrence Krubner answers:

Luis, really? $100,000 as a prize? That is excessive. I would appreciate if experts only made serious suggestions about the prize they expect.

bigbrer comments:

Any knowledge Lawrence?

Lawrence Krubner comments:


A few questions might clarify the problem:

Did you make any changes to the permalink structure? (You have control over it from the wp-admin section of WordPress.)

Does anyone else have access to the dashboard?

Could someone else have made a change?

Did the site recently move, or change hosts?

Lawrence Krubner comments:

Are these new sites?

If these are existing sites, when did the links break? What was the last change that was made before the links broke?

bigbrer comments:

These are semi new sites that have been often :(
I moved them from to to in the course of about 2 weeks

Im sure I did something brilliant in all that traveling.

<? $modelid = intval($_REQUEST['modelid']);
$model = new Model($modelid);
$zenurl = strval($_REQUEST['zendurl']);
$aryGallery = ModelGallery::galleryByModel($modelid);

This is getting called from a template file and one of my devs said that Wordpress does not like it....and I should move it to the header file

bigbrer comments:

Or a javascript error...we're looking

Lawrence Krubner comments:

> This is getting called from a template file and one of my
> devs said that Wordpress does not like it....and I should
> move it to the header file

Was it working before you moved this code to the header?


Jurre Hanema answers:

Looks like the page called "dyme" can not be found. (The default WP post "hello world" seems to exist and work:

So... Does the page or post called "dyme" actually exist? What is your permalink structure? What is in your .htaccess?

bigbrer comments:

The link does work in Chrome on a Mac. The url structure is /%postname%/