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Permalinks Breaking Author Archive Links WordPress

Hi all,

If someone could help me here I would be eternally grateful... I've spent far too long trying to solve this problem on my own so now I have swallowed my pride and accepted I need some assistance!!

I have just set up a new site at [[LINK href=""]]Tech News Daily[[/LINK]] and changed the permalinks to /articles/%postname%.html. I use this permalink structure on all other sites and never experienced a problem. BUT, this time, changing the structure has resulted in links to author archives not working.

When I now click on my author archive link (Tech News Staff), which should be at it is showing a 404 page not found.

When I change the permalink structure back to default, it works fine again. But, I do not want to use default permalink structure for SEO reasons...

I've never experienced this problem before. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I'm using Wordpress 3.2.1 and Genesis News 2.0 child theme.

Thank you in advance!


Answers (3)


Bogdan answers:

Let me an e-mail adress :)

KevinDavis comments:

I have sent you a message!

Bogdan comments:

I respond you.

KevinDavis comments:

I have solved the problem now... Thanks for your offer of help though.

Bogdan comments:

Happy to hear that :).


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

the structure must be
and not

the problem is maybe the name. Could you change the name of the author please. Try with "john" for example
You need just change the pseudo (name published on the site)

KevinDavis comments:

Sorry, that was a typing error... I do have /articles/%postname%.html. Well spotted though!

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

is Tech News Staff the identifiant or the published name ?
In the url the name must be the identifiant, not the published name

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

if your identifiant is "foo" but your published name is "Tech News Staff"
the url must be

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

have you tried ?
what's your ID ?

KevinDavis comments:

I've solved the problem now... it was an error due to having spaces in the url. Went into database and edited to be TechNewsStaff rather than Tech News Staff and it works fine now!

Thanks for helping out though


Kannan C answers:

Try this permalink structure

KevinDavis comments:

Tried that and still the same problem!