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Pass contact form output Via 'POST' to ThankYou Page (pixelfires) WordPress


Hi this one is a bit complicated and this questions is basically to see if you guys can do it or if i should post on Odesk

I have this website that is a lead generation site ( It will start getting traffic from affiliates sources (linskshare ). We have multiple contact forms. The forms are not gravity forms or contact form 7. We use jotform form builder.

The results of the submissions need to go to a thank you page because there we have the linkshare pixel that fires up sending info to Linkshare that traffic from their network of affiliates converted to a lead form. here is an example of the linkshare pixel that will be on the "thank you" page :

var orderID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
var LSPixel = new Image();

LSPixel.src='' + orderID + '&skulist=lead&qlist=1&amtlist=0&cur=USD&img=1&namelist=Credit%20Repair%20Lead'


what i need is the submission data to be passed to "the thank" you page. My understanding is that the page need to be able to accept php?

At this point the pixel script is creating a random order id that i have no access to. In the beginning i wanted to figure out a way to record that random order that gets created by the pixel firing so i can associate with my contact form submission data but it seemed impossible. So then i spoke to the linkshare techs and they said if i am able to pass a random unique number from my form they can have their pixel accept it as the order id. my jotform builder forms do create a unique submission id each time a form is submitted. if i can figure out a way for their pixel to accept it instead of generating that random order id that would be great. The only reason linkshare created a random math order id is because the realized at the time that my website is not able to create one

<strong>Please check these 2 threads for the jotform support they will help you get better understanding</strong>
1- [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] . the beginning of the thread is solved please only refer to the part im asking about here and <strong>not that the "sid parts" of the the thread</strong>
2- [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] this describes how jotform allow data to be sent to a page. <em>By POST they don't mean the post wordpress type of posts for blogs etc..)</em>

here is a [[LINK href=""]]link[[/LINK]] of how my form submission post data look like . all i'm interested in is to get to the submission id passed on to thank you page so the pixel fires and uses my submission id as opposed to generating a random order id as it makes tracking those leads much easier. we will get to a lot of fraud leads and if i can have my submission id acting as the order id i can tell linkshare which leads are bad so we don't have to pay for the bad leads.

<strong> i know all this because we tried the program on a different url ( same wordpress theme [[LINK href=""]]infocus [[/LINK]] but we encountered these issues. so now the program is is paused and is being moved to the new url so we can track things differently.</strong>

here is the url for thank you page where after the visitor submits a form they get redirected for the pixel to fire

Feel free to ask my any questions, i am not a developer or coder but i have a great understanding as well

Answers (1)


Bob answers:

I think It should be pretty simple.

You need to create one page template. assign that page template to your thank you page.

add your linkshare code in thank you page.

There will be slight difference in script instead of random id generation you can use id sent by jotform in POST.

var orderID = <?php echo $_POST['sid'] ?>

which one do you want to use as order id "sid" or "submission_id"?

Bob comments:

I am available at skype or gmail if you want to discuss it.

skype id: thevaghela
gmail: [email protected]

Sam Nasr comments:

i want to use submission_id .

it may seem easy but i am not sure how to create a template. like i said i'm not a coder or developer. but basically you are saying we need to create a special template page so that template page can accept the POST data coming from my jotform? what about my other theme options like shortcodes etc would i be still able to use them in that special template?

i am pretty good at understandingif i am given directions of what exactly to do or at least if someone clarifies to me. for example to do step "xyz" because it will help acheive "abc" so i can undersand

Sam Nasr comments:

i sent you an email too

Bob comments:

I will do everything for you. It will be more easy and time saving for both of us.

However I will explain you also one I am done and if my logic work.

If you want to use only "submission_id" data for linkshare for the POST then we might even use conditional tag instead of creating new template.

If you want to use all the form POST data then we will create template page.

Ane yes all your shortcode and everything will work as it is. No worries about it.

Sam Nasr comments:

yeah i only care about the submission_id . the only reason i want to know how in case, i change or update my theme i know how to reproduce. i don't have a child theme so of course i want to know what gets done and how so i can reproduce it if i have to .

Also you are saying that there will be no need for template? my understanding from jotform support that a php page has to be created to be able to receive the POST data from the form when submitted to a custom url . with jotform form builder , the forms is hosted on their server i simply embed on my site

Bob comments:

According to me we can also try to do it via functions.php file.

I have sent you an email for how to do it using page template.

I will contact you once I am back.

Sam Nasr comments:

ok thank you for solving the issue. i will award you the prize BOB. By the way BOB did good work for me

Sam Nasr comments:

i increased the prize BOB , you deserve it