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Paid Membership Pro Plugin Free Trial Issue WordPress


Hello Everyone,

I am hoping you guys will be my saviours. I manage my own wordpress sites, and when I get stuck I use freelancers or learn how to do it. I try to be independent as much as possible, but I am a small business owner, and I have no interest in becoming a wordpress expert.

Recently I was stumped by what seemed like a simple problem. So I joined MPMU Dev, and the support guys failed me so I am about to cancel my membership with them. They were terrible. So I thought I would join a Wordpress Maintenance and Support business because I was wasting time trying to find solutions. So I shopped around and joined one. They were as bad if not worse.

I am not a wordpress expert, nor am a developer. I know just about enough to manage my own sites. Anyway, I think I have found the solution now, 20 minutes before signing up here. I have taken a screenshot with a timestamp from my computer to prove to anyone if they come up with the same solution. Whether you come up with the same or a different solution, I am HAPPY TO PAY you if its a solution that works. The reason why I am happy to pay is that I need to find a website where I can go to, thats reliable, in helping me solve problems. I hope you are guys are the one.

I am hoping you will agree with me its not a complicated question. So here goes:

I am thinking of becoming a paying customer of Paid Membership Pro, the wordpress membership plugin. I have installed the plugin, the free version of Paid Members Pro. However, there is one thing stopping me moving on to "paid version". I want my memberships to have a monthly payment and I want the first 7 days of the membership to be a free trial. After the first 7 days is over I want the first payment to be taken, then every month from there on. The problems is I can't figure out how to do this on "Paid Membership Pro".

I am trying to decide between Paid Membership Pro and MemberPress. I have been watching videos for both. On the MemberPress the videos show you how to do this extremely easily. Its so easy to do on MemberPress. Like this:

But for whatever reason I cannot find the video or figure out how to do this simple thing on PaidMembershipPro? I would prefer to buy Paid Membership Pro instead of MemberPress because it seems to have more features and it seems to connect with more solutions I would be using. So if I could figure this one thing out it would be a great help to me.

So to summarise, I want to know how I can setup a plan on “Paid Members Pro” where payment is taken monthly, e.g $10 a month, the first 7 days is free, after the first 7 days is over, if they don’t cancel it charges them $10, and it will continue charging them $10 a month until they cancel. Almost exactly the same as many sites that have membership. This is “how to” question. I have emailed Paid Membership Pro and they have not replied yet, but I am have been waiting a while and I can't use their forums because I am not a "paying" customer yet!

Please help if you can?

Thank you.

Answers (3)


WPMan answers:


On “Paid Members Pro”, here you can set initial payment and billing amount for recurring subscription
but no option to set trial periods length.
You can configure:
Trial Billing Amount: $$$ for the first XXX subscription payments.

See attachment.

Also refer:

- 'Customizations for Paid Memberships Pro (14 day trial on level 1)'
Alternatively, you can try 'WooCommerce Memberships', hope it has all features you are looking for.


ineedhelp comments:

Although I get what you are saying, I am not sure you are right. Okay after wasting a lot of time trying to find a solution, I found this: "Paid Memberships Pro - Subscription Delays Addon" which is a plugin which I believe does what I need to do. I believe this is the solution:

I need someone to confirm if I am right? If I am, then I wasted hours trying to find what should have been a simple standard feature.

WPMan comments:

Yes, I already checked that add-on and it should work to set trial period. Although I didn't tested it. You need to purchase all those PRO versions for this.

I am not sure about your requirement but before going ahead to purchase “Paid Members Pro” you must consider 'WooCommerce Memberships':

ineedhelp comments:

Hi WPMan,

Firstly, thanks. I was going to buy the Pro Plus version anyway, if I did go ahead and buy. I am creating a membership site using LearnDash LMS and will be using either Paid Membership Pro or MemberPress. I have looked at WooCommerce Membership today for the first time. I have gone through their website. Based on initial first impressions and reading reviews I feel either Paid Membership Pro or MemberPress would be better as they offer so much more for far less cost.

However, I do need to be 100% certain that Paid Members Pro and the Subscription Delays Addon will give me free 7 day trial. I am very frustrated that such a simple feature has been so hidden on their website. And that they are so slow at responding to questions. This makes me want to go with MemberPress as I know for certain that it can be done with them.

At least both of you guys tried to find solutions, both the wordpress maintenance company and MPMU Dev almost gave up within a few minutes, asking me to read their manual. Maybe its just me!

ineedhelp comments:

I am hoping someone will come along and confirm my finding.


Cesar Contreras answers:

This video will solve your doubts

Here you describe the fields you need:

ineedhelp comments:

I have watched this video before posting here, and I read that page.

Cesar Contreras comments:

I understand that you need to customize your payment plan, the resources you provide and also in the first comment says how, if it does not meet your needs you could be more specific or say why it does not convince you

ineedhelp comments:

Sorry, I don't understand. Did you see my comments above which I posted in response to the other members reply. I have pasted here "Okay after wasting a lot of time trying to find a solution, I found this: "Paid Memberships Pro - Subscription Delays Addon" which is a plugin which I believe does what I need to do. I believe this is the solution:"


Bob answers:

did you check this link?

ineedhelp comments:

Ofcourse I did. That doesn't answer my question. But thanks anyway.

Did you not see the solution I gave above?

Bob comments:

As they say they have "Custom Trial Options" then do you think you will need add on?

ineedhelp comments:

I will need buy they Pro version or paid version, and then install that plugin. They have got back to me now. And they have officially confirmed that the solution I found was the correct way of doing this.

I would like to thank everyone for trying, even though no one was able to find the correct solution. At least you guys tried, which is better than what I got with those other sites.
