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Page Post Customised CSS Layout Request WordPress


Hi there,

Im using Wordpress and the Karma theme. The website will not be used as a blog but rather a full CMS. I intend for the posts to be used for different post categories ie: announcements, reports, webcasts etc I want the post category entries to appear on relevant pages in a summary layout, ie, small PDF icon, Title and then Date either on the same line or two. I have installed the Post Page associator and it serves the purpose nicely as well as a plugin that links the post title to a PDF. What I need is customised css for the page layout (the Karama one is too chunky. I can email jpeg of exactly what I am looking for if that helps. I've been recommended to you guys by Miguel from TrueThems for this project - Id like to know the cost to create a css, install and how soon can it be done.

Hope someone can help me :@)


Answers (2)


Pixel Coder answers:

Hi Elfie,

I've got a few hours right now to do a CSS conversion.

If you would like to send me a copy of the jpeg, WordPress login and ftp details can get this sorted out for you hopefully.

$20.00 is not enough for a page conversion though. Maybe nearer $100.00 depending on the complexity.

Will send you a pm with my email now.


Pixel Coder comments:

Oh, sorry I just noticed your attachment.

$20.00 is fine, i'll knock that up for you now.

Will need details above though.

Pixel Coder comments:

Actually, sorry again. Have to address something else.

joocey comments:


Is this how i email you the jpeg?