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Not quite a form, Not really comments..Help making activity log? WordPress


I am looking for a way to structure the responses users will give via comments for each post.
The couple of good form building plugins aren't quite right - I want to have the data users enter displayed right with the post, not emailed to someone else.
So I turned to possibly doing a workaround using the comments directly. It seems like the new comment_form might be useful for this, but am too green to know.

Some of the specifics of how I'm using WP: Only logged in users can view the posts. Users will be acting on information in the post and then entering action/responses that should be displayed with the post (and remain "attached" to the specific post).

Some of the required responses are simple "pick one" (eg Disconnected, left message, wrong number....) some are fill in the blank (talked to ____, payment sent by ______....) and there should also be a fairly free form entry field (like the standard comments box).

I could just have the users cut and paste a form from notepad or other program into the regular comments box, but I'm trying to have that already there for them (The less they have to do, the less they have to type, the better.)

I started to think that adding several individual comment_form calls after each post might work, but it got a little I ended up here.

If you think you have any idea what I'm talking about, what I might be looking for or have a possible solution, please let me know! I'm glad to provide any other details that might help in solving this issue.

Answers (1)


Bob answers:

I don't think you going to find this functionality in a plug-in, your going to have to customize the comments.php, in your case this seems rather daunting if you need to customize several different comment forms, your looking at something completely custom, though entirely possible. You could code a custom comments form plug-in with roles and such.

Here is a tutorial on how to get started [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

And this helps explain it. [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Wordpress is not really meant to be a "project management" app but you might have some luck with plug-ins geared to that type of functionality, like collabpress and ProjectManager.

An alternative would be to use a commercial service like wu-foo or a different platform.