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Nivo slider issue WordPress

Hi Guys

I've just move a site from my local server (Mamp) to hostgator and I've set it up on a temporary URL

Since doing that I have an error message in my Nivo Slider settings which has something to do with the URL change I think

See this screenshot:

The slider is showing on the home page but there is a long delay before it appears and that is probably again due to the same issue

How can i fix this?

Many thanks

Answers (3)


Remy answers:

Did you check if the file not found (custom.php) is here or not in the specified path (plugins/nivo-slider/includes/sources/) ?

Remy comments:

I think the plugin doesn't delete what it added in the database when you remove it. If you want to completely remove its data, you will have to go in your database. You can see the settings associated with the plugin by going to the wp-admin/options.php page, which is a listing of all the settings on your website. You can then search for something like "nivo" and find the settings related to the plugin.

Steve Watson comments:

Thanks Remy

Steve Watson comments:

Hey Remy have you got any suggestions on why this slight delay is happening. The image sizes are no bigger than 92KB

Remy comments:

I think it's because it's loading all images in the slider before displaying it, so it's almost 600KB for the whole, not counting the rest of the website loading too. You need to take into account that a browser can only download a limited number of assets from the same domain in parallel (4 if you remember well).


Navjot Singh answers:

Are you using 1.x version of the plugin. According to their docs, this is fixed in the newer version. Also Nivo Slider > Settings and uncheck the custom image source option. This error will go away.

Sources -

Steve Watson comments:

ok that worked

However if I want to uninstall the Nivo Slider completley so I can do a fresh install from scratch how can i do that?

When I uninstall the plugin and then reinstall it, it remembers all the previous settings. How can i be totally sure of removing everything to do a clean install.


Steve Watson comments:

ok that worked

However if I want to uninstall the Nivo Slider completley so I can do a fresh install from scratch how can i do that?

When I uninstall the plugin and then reinstall it, it remembers all the previous settings. How can i be totally sure of removing everything to do a clean install.


Navjot Singh comments:

After deactivating the plugin, delete it. And then install it again.

Steve Watson comments:

Yes I understand how to that. But when I reinstall I can see the slider images that I set up before I deleted it. Do I need to delete the images somewhere else like in the database for example?

Navjot Singh comments:

You can manually remove the images while the plugin is active and later delete the plugin to complete the uninstall.

Navjot Singh comments:

Remove images from slide I mean.

Steve Watson comments:

Thanks man


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hi steve, The issue will be cleared by doing the same method mentioned by Navjot