I'm having an issue with the Nexus theme where the Gallery filters are just not displaying correctly. For starters there are 9 categories in total and I need the original filter removed which is titled all. I've set everything up as per the instructions but the filters are all messed up.
I have bags, digital, clothing categogies, etc. when you click on the filters either no image displays, or one image displays or images display with next pages which don't work properly. I've set it to even show 44 images still doesn't work.
If you click on bags for example then all sorts of images display. I've checked the filters to make sure the correct images are displaying under the correct filter name. Can someone assist. Ideally I think I need someone to actually go in and really have a look and see what can be done.
Arnav Joy answers:
can you tell me how you setup this , as you are saying you have setup it as per instructions .
architect comments:
Hi Arnav Yes I followed the instructions and it is not displaying correctly. From looking at the comments on their forum I'm not the only one with this issue but their support is very bad and they don't respond and I'm stuck because I need to get it solved. Thank you for coming back to me.
Arnav Joy comments:
Well to see it I may need access to your site, send me pm if you are interested my email is : [email protected]
architect comments:
Thank you appreciate you help. Sent you details.