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NextGen Slideshow - Can you link it to a page? WordPress

Hi Guys

I have installed NextGen Gallery plug in and am using it to create a slideshow in each of the four boxes on this site

I want each slideshow to link to a relevent page.

Many thanks

Answers (4)


Ehthisham tk answers:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Romel Apuya answers:

can you post the code on how are you displaying the gallery?


Nicole Rork answers:


Christianto answers:

Hi Steve,

I think its not possible to get link for each image..

Looking at the source code, you are using this function right?
<?php echo nggShow_JS_Slideshow($galleryID, $width, $height) ?>

With this function, nextgen plugin developer create the slideshow including the js initialize code and fetch the image to the page using ajax. We can see loading image before the slideshow start.. :D

You can see the ajax code in nextgen-gallery/js/ngg.slideshow.js and the php function to return the db query from ajax request in /nextgen-gallery/xml/json.php, where you can see on line 89 it connected with get_gallery function in nggdb class within /nextgen-gallery/lib/ngg-db.php line 216.

In js we could alter it so it will include the link but as you can see it from the ajax request in only return image address to be used within the slideshow, thus there are no page url or other data that that we can use to point the image to correct address.

Its not an easy task to do it, it might get error in client site, since default structure will be use by the slideshow plugin (jQuery Cycle) or error server side itself.

Hope this help.