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NextGen Gallery Slideshow not working in IE WordPress

Help. I have a nextgen gallery i use in a portfolio and it is working in Chrome, Firefox, etc, but not in IE (mainly because IE sux).

Is there some sort of code I can use to get it to work? Need to fix quickly .

Thanks in advance.

site is www. turnkeybuildersfl. c o m

in the portfolio section.

Answers (2)


Giri answers:

Could you tell us your ie version. So we can test accordingly.

Also have you tried using twentytwelve by disabling all other plugins?

idavila comments:

I am on IE 10 - but it was someone else who noticed it. They may be on an earlier version.

I will try deactivating some plugins now.

idavila comments:

Just disabled plugins and its not working....

idavila comments: there an alternative slideshow similar to Nextgen that you would recommend....

Giri comments:

Nivo slider... Camera slider

Giri comments:

Giri comments:

<blockquote>Also, I don't want the main portfolio pic to show in the individual portfolio page -- just the slideshow.</blockquote>

Maybe you should use a lightbox plugin to display your portfolio.

Use prettyphoto lightbox.

For prettyphoto demo check this theme..

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

idavila comments:

That would require a lot of work for a client I would rather not spend that much time on..... to switch from nextgen. I really liked how i was able to embed the slideshow straight into the page, without a lightbox. (so did the client)

Giri comments:

I don't think it requires much time.

All you have to do is just install prettyphoto plugin and create a gallery by selecting your photos then insert it in your post. Thats it.

But yeah if you prefer nextgen, i respect that.

Try this page.


isp_charlie answers:

it not work on chrome, firefox also.

add style.css on last line.
.ngg-slideshow-loader {
display: none!important;

#portfolio-preview-container .preview-item .portfolio-big-img {
display: block!important;

idavila comments:

I tried that Charlie. No dice.

Also, I don't want the main portfolio pic to show in the individual portfolio page -- just the slideshow.

isp_charlie comments:

can you add this again, i didn't see css applied on your site.

.ngg-slideshow-loader {
display: none!important;

.portfolio-big-img {
display: block!important;

idavila comments:

Just added again. As you can see it is showing the "featured image" large, which i do not want.
All i want is the slideshow at the top.