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Networking Problems WordPress


Simple question...I hope.

I just set up a network on a previous install and I followed all instructions to a T.

But for some reason after I had installed the network, things seemed fine until I noticed that the network added "blog" to the url.

For example, old url was:

The new url is:

And there is nowhere for me to change this in my permalink settings.

Also, I added a test site to my network

And that site is all broken and won't let me access the dashboard admin panel at all. Keep getting 400 errors when trying to access the dashboard of that site.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not looking for you to do this personally but just offer suggestions that I can look in to. If I do need someone to go into my account and check on some things for me, I will adjust the payment accordingly. :-)

Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

I think there may be problem in your .htacess file , keep back of your site and delete .htaccess file and then set permalink.


Sabby Sam answers:

check the site url from phpadmin for this refer this url (
and also on your page not found one image is missing. check this url (

And tell me what is the online folder in your theme.


Plugarized answers:

For admin dashboard ( this one is working also (

For multisite check htacess settings on this page

those errors are sometimes due to permalinks / htacess settings

I had a quick read at the following article and mentions something about not being able to remove blog slug at a particular stage.
Also known as 'Subfolder' installs, a path-based network uses URLs like

If you are using pretty permalinks in your site already, then a path-based network will work as well, and you do not need any of the other information in this section. That said, be aware that your main site will use the following URL pattern for posts:[postformat]/

<strong>At this time, you cannot remove the blog slug.</strong>

For a path-based network you normally require mod_rewrite to be loaded on the Apache server, support for it in .htaccess files, and Options FollowSymLinks either already enabled or at least not permanently disabled. If you have access to the server configuration, then you could use a Directory section instead of a .htaccess file.</blockquote>

Extra resources:

Brennen Jones comments:

I saw that too on but they say that there's a work around although it may not be easy.

Would you by any chance know of this workaround?

Also, would you know why when I add this code to wp-config

define('MULTISITE', true);

define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false);

$base = '/';

define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '');

define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/');

define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);

define('BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);

It activates multi site but I can't access the dashboards in my test site and the themes are broken on the test sites.

Plugarized comments:

If you have MU in subfolder/directory and you are experiencing broken thumbsnails/images you need to add the following rewriterule below the uploaded call

RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?siteN/files/(.+) wp-content/blogs.dir/N/files/$2 [L]

As for the dashboard, perhaps is a server side issue.

I recommend trying this plugin out for mapping out your blogs to other domains

Brennen Jones comments:

I think I'm on the right track.

The link you provided

Has an excellent plugin mentioned in article that solves the "blog" slug dilemma. There's also a tutorial on what to exactly put in .htaccess file.

Thanks for pointing me in right direction. I'll think I'll have everything up and running by end of the night. I have dashboard working now on second site. Now, all is left is for me to remove the "blog" slug so that my permalinks stay same as before.