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Need to convert all Custom Field images to Featured Post images WordPress



I own a css gallery called, and am using Custom Fields with TimThumb script to resize my gallery images. The problem since the gallery has grown (and traffic with it) the TimThumb script is weighing too heavily on my host server. I've recently discovered (and implemented in a few themes) Victor Teixeira's image resizer that utilizes the Featured Post function native to WordPress. The trouble is I have over 650 images in the gallery and every image is drawing from the Custom Field.

Is there a way to transfer these Custom Field images over to be used as Featured Images through phpmyadmin in order to utilize the native post-thumbnails function? This will allow me to not use TimThumb.


Answers (2)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

You can control it from: <strong>wp_postmeta</strong> table in phpMyAdmin .

You can sort for <strong>meta_key</strong> or <strong>meta_value</strong> to find your custom field data.


Marvin Shaker answers:

Could use phpMyadmin for something like that, but backup your database first!

This seems to work:

INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id, meta_key, meta_value)(
SELECT post_id, 'newkey', meta_value
FROM wp_postmeta
WHERE meta_key='oldkey'

Of course use the correct table name for your postmeta table if it is not wp_postmeta, and replace newvalue and oldvalue as appropriate.

Justin Young comments:

Not sure how to do that.

I need to take all the custom field values which are url images, and transfer them to the post-thumbnail Feature Image function.

The custom field name is Feature Image and the value is the image path/url.