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Need theme advice: "normal" theme vs drag and drop WordPress

I am going to open a small theme shop, and I have started to design some themes in Photoshop, but I am unsure about a few things:

1) Would it be a better idea to just make "normal" themes with some customizer options?


2) Would it be a bad idea to create a theme like Make (i.e. an all-in-one page builder theme)? Is it hard to maintain, too complex, etc?

Please let me know if you can chat. I already have a developer, but I just want some opinions.

Answers (4)


Remy answers:

Adding a page builder on top of a custom theme will require extra work from the developer, and extra thoughts for the whole UX.

If he feels like he can do it, the page builder can be a good selling point for clients with few knowledge in layout and everything, and a better option than shortcodes.

Make does a great job mixing the page builder and heavy use of the customizer, making it really easy to customizing the website layout with little knowledge.

It all comes to : is you developer skilled enough do it ? Will your clients need it ?

Jagst3r21 comments:

My developer is skilled, but it comes down to what is right vs wrong. Is it a bad idea to jam that many options into a theme? I am leaning toward building 3-4 normal themes with about 10-15 customizer options each rather than 1 theme with 100 customzer options and a drag and drop builder.

Remy comments:

Maybe you do both :
- targeted themes with few options, dedicated to a niche
- one theme with lot of options and the page builder

That way, clients will be able to choose what fits best for them


Arnav Joy answers:

Hi ,

I think if you have normal theme then its cost will be less and suitable for those clients who are not willing to pay much .

And if you have more features in your theme then it will be suitable for those clients who are having much requirement and can bear the cost .

so I think you have should have both types of framework in admin and can use one of them in your theme as per cost and requirement of the theme.


Jagst3r21 comments:

Hi, I am thinking that having a content/page builder might be too much, especially for maintenance. Do you think selling "normal" themes with some customizer options is still a good approach?


timDesain Nanang answers:

You shouldn't do both of them, it will need much effort for maintenance (script updating, customer service, etc).
You can create one regular theme with <strong>multiple skin</strong> support, not page builder.

- less effort for maintenance (script updating, customer service, etc).
- low costs to add premium plugins (vc, revslider, etc), just need single developer license
- single framework
- niche approach
- simple configuration (theme setting and customizer) <strong>for client</strong>
- create the skin as much as you want (niche)

- install and activate theme
- select the skin
- upload the logo
- input the contact, etc
- adjust the color and font (or client can leave it as is).

- You can <strong>use the hook</strong> just like woocommerce and genesis did.
- The end user need a simple setting, sometimes they <strong>couldn't choose the right</strong> color and font
- You can use the skins on another CMS, just like


Veritus answers:


I believe you should have page builder like visual composer, 140$, not so many are pleased by using shortcode right and left for making pages. Also by having a page builder, you get a lot of possibilities for your theme and for free. And your buyers can buy extension to VC by themselves if they need it. Even though it cost a little more in maintenance. You have happier customers and also surely more buyers. I think many don't want to customize themselves, as they don't have knowledge to do it.

Also you should have options so people can style direct from the theme options, like font, colors, footer, headers. Upload logo. etc etc. And add so they can have more widgets. I think this a more modern way that's more of a standard nowadays.

Buy a theme on themeforest that have all, then overview all the options there and narrow down those options that you think are essential for the type of site you want to build. That is my best advice!