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Need someone to replace search widget that came with template WordPress


The author of the theme we just purchased for a client is completely useless in terms of support, and claims that a search widget that shows up next to featured images on the home page is "widgetized," but if it is, he has not activated it as an alterable widget in the Widgets section,. At any rate, there is a search widget, and I need it replaced with a search widget that we have that came with an IDX solutions plugin (real estate site). Site is

Answers (2)


Asad Iqbal answers:

If you can give me access details (username and password) then I can look inside into your theme and can tell you what should you do. Sometimes It is hard to say about premium theme as I've noticed that there are widget in the homepage.


DawnGroup comments:

Sure. Can you send me an email address to [email protected] and I'll do this.


Asad Iqbal comments:

Please check the site now, I think now you can easily place any widget there.

Asad Iqbal comments:

Kindly let me know what else you need with this site.

DawnGroup comments:

I'm not sure what has been done, but now none of the sidebars on the front page are showing up, and there is nothing in the search area! All I wanted was the search area by the featured image on the home page fixed to display the IDX plugin instead of what was there. Now, that is missing, and the entire sidebar on the front page is gone, and the sidebars on every other page except the individual property pages are missing or damaged. Please fix whatever has been done that has caused everything to vanish.

Asad Iqbal comments:

Did you try with any other developer too? I just touch slider.php and those lines I've edited/removed are actually commented, I can roll back anytime If you want. But the error shows in footer I think I did not do that error. And you didn't even place anything into 'Sidebar Home' to showup there, please check now, something showing there. Please replace current widget with your one which you want to show up there. I'm now trying to solve the footer error now. If you didn't use another developer then did you update anything into wrodpress (wordpress core file or any plugin). And another thing is that I think if you can properly configure IDX plugin widget then it will works well as other widgets are working fine on that area. Let me know your response.

Asad Iqbal comments:

Everything is rolled back which was done by me. Once I've disabled the plugin named Trulia and then the footer error disappeared. I didn't made any changes previously in footer and as far I remember that there was no error yesterday. So I can't say anything about this error. And I've messaged you several times yesterday to check because really I didn't see this error yesterday. But may be It's my bad-luck as you may think that the error is done by me :(.


Clifford P answers:

When visiting your site, , I see an error at the very bottom, about plugin with Trulia. You might want to look into what's causing that. Start a new question or message Asad.