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Need snippet to render back-end page in the front-end of a voucher plugin WordPress


I'm using a pdf voucher plugin.
Would like to render exact same page (info) and 2 button functionalities.

I need php snippet to insert to my custom page.

Please let me know if you can help. Thanks.

Answers (2)


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Good morning,

We need some more info. We would need to see which function is generating this info and then create a shortcode to show it in the front-end.

email889 comments:

I cannot attach PHP file

email889 comments:

Good day.

It is a little long.

email889 comments:


// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

* Purchased Voucher Code List Page
* The html markup for the purchased voucher code list
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
if( ! class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' );

class WOO_Vou_List extends WP_List_Table {

public $model,$render, $per_page;

function __construct(){

global $woo_vou_model,$woo_vou_render;

//Set parent defaults
parent::__construct( array(
'singular' => 'purchasedvou',
'plural' => 'purchasedvous',
'ajax' => false
) );

$this->model = $woo_vou_model;
$this->render = $woo_vou_render;

$this->per_page = apply_filters( 'woo_vou_purchase_posts_per_page', 10 ); // Per page

* Displaying Prodcuts
* Does prepare the data for displaying the products in the table.
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function display_purchased_vouchers() {

global $wpdb, $current_user, $woo_vou_vendor_role;

$args = $data = $search_meta = array();

// Taking parameter
$orderby = isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) ? urldecode( $_GET['orderby'] ) : 'ID';
$order = isset( $_GET['order'] ) ? $_GET['order'] : 'DESC';
$search = isset( $_GET['s'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( trim( $_GET['s'] ) ) : null;

$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => $this->per_page,
'page' => isset( $_GET['paged'] ) ? $_GET['paged'] : null,
'orderby' => $orderby,
'order' => $order,
'offset' => ( $this->get_pagenum() - 1 ) * $this->per_page,
'woo_vou_list' => true

$search_meta = array(
'key' => $prefix . 'purchased_codes',
'value' => '',
'compare' => '!='
'key' => $prefix . 'used_codes',
'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => $prefix .'exp_date',
'value' => '',
'compare' => '='
'key' => $prefix .'exp_date',
'compare' => '>=',
//'type' => 'DATE',
'value' => $this->model->woo_vou_current_date()

//Current user role
$user_roles = isset( $current_user->roles ) ? $current_user->roles : array();
$user_role = array_shift( $user_roles );

//voucher admin roles
$admin_roles = woo_vou_assigned_admin_roles();

if( !in_array( $user_role, $admin_roles ) ) {// voucher admin can redeem all codes
$args['author'] = $current_user->ID;

if( isset( $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'] ) && !empty( $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'] ) ) {
$args['post_parent'] = $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'];

if( !empty( $search ) ) {

$search_meta = array(

'relation' => 'AND',
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => $prefix.'purchased_codes',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => $prefix.'first_name',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => $prefix.'last_name',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => $prefix.'order_id',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => $prefix.'order_date',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',

// Get purchased voucher codes data from database

$args['meta_query'] = $search_meta;

$woo_data = $this->model->woo_vou_get_voucher_details( $args );

$data = isset( $woo_data['data'] ) ? $woo_data['data'] : '';

if( !empty( $data ) ) {

foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {

$data[$key]['ID'] = $value['ID'];
$data[$key]['post_parent'] = $value['post_parent'];
$data[$key]['code'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'purchased_codes', true );
$data[$key]['first_name'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'first_name', true );
$data[$key]['last_name'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'last_name', true );
$data[$key]['order_id'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'order_id', true );
$data[$key]['order_date'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'order_date', true );
$data[$key]['product_title']= get_the_title( $value['post_parent'] );

$order_id = $data[$key]['order_id'];

$data[$key]['buyers_info'] = $this->model->woo_vou_get_buyer_information( $order_id );

$result_arr['data'] = !empty($data) ? $data : array();
$result_arr['total'] = isset( $woo_data['total'] ) ? $woo_data['total'] : 0; // Total no of data

return $result_arr;

* Mange column data
* Default Column for listing table
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function column_default( $item, $column_name ) {
global $current_user, $woo_vou_vendor_role;
//Current user role
$user_roles = isset( $current_user->roles ) ? $current_user->roles : array();
$user_role = array_shift( $user_roles );

$column_value = '';

switch( $column_name ){
case 'code':
$column_value = $item[ $column_name ];
case 'buyers_info' :
$column_value = $this->model->woo_vou_display_buyer_info_html( $item[ $column_name ] );
case 'product_info' :
$column_value = $this->model->woo_vou_display_product_info_html( $item['order_id'], $item['code'] );
case 'order_info':
$column_value = $this->model->woo_vou_display_order_info_html( $item['order_id'] );
default :
$column_value = isset( $item[ $column_name ] ) ? $item[ $column_name ] : '';

return apply_filters( 'woo_vou_purchased_column_value', $column_value, $column_name, $item );

function column_cb( $item ) {
return sprintf (
'<input type="checkbox" name="%1$s[]" value="%2$s" />',
/*$1%s*/ $this->_args['singular'], //Let's simply repurpose the table's singular label ("movie")
/*$2%s*/ $item['ID'] //The value of the checkbox should be the record's id

* Display Columns
* Handles which columns to show in table
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function get_columns() {

$columns = array(
'code' => __( 'Voucher Code', 'woovoucher' ),
'product_info' => __( 'Product Information', 'woovoucher' ),
'buyers_info' => __( 'Buyer\'s Information', 'woovoucher' ),
'order_info' => __( 'Order Information', 'woovoucher' ),
return apply_filters( 'woo_vou_purchased_add_column', $columns );

* Sortable Columns
* Handles soratable columns of the table
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function get_sortable_columns() {

$sortable_columns = array(
'code' => array( 'code', true ),
//'product_title' => array( 'product_title', true ),
//'buyers_info' => array( 'buyers_info', true ),
'order_date' => array( 'order_date', true ),
'order_id' => array( 'order_id', true ),
return apply_filters( 'woo_vou_purchased_add_sortable_column', $sortable_columns );

function no_items() {
//message to show when no records in database table
_e( 'No purchased voucher codes yet.', 'woovoucher' );

* Bulk actions field
* Handles Bulk Action combo box values
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function get_bulk_actions() {
//bulk action combo box parameter
//if you want to add some more value to bulk action parameter then push key value set in below array
$actions = array();
return $actions;

* Add Filter for Sorting
* Handles to add filter for sorting
* in listing
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function extra_tablenav( $which ) {

if( $which == 'top' ) {
global $current_user, $woo_vou_vendor_role;

$args = array();

$args['meta_query'] = array(
'key' => $prefix.'purchased_codes',
'value' => '',
'compare' => '!=',

//Current user role
$user_roles = isset( $current_user->roles ) ? $current_user->roles : array();
$user_role = array_shift( $user_roles );

//voucher admin roles
$admin_roles = woo_vou_assigned_admin_roles();

if( !in_array( $user_role, $admin_roles ) ) {// voucher admin can redeem all codes
$args['author'] = $current_user->ID;

$products_data = $this->model->woo_vou_get_products_by_voucher( $args );

echo '<div class="alignleft actions woo-vou-dropdown-wrapper">';?>
<select id="woo_vou_post_id" name="woo_vou_post_id" class="woo_vou_multi_select">
<option value=""><?php _e( 'Show all products', 'woovoucher' ); ?></option><?php
if( !empty( $products_data ) ) {

foreach ( $products_data as $product_data ) {

echo '<option value="' . $product_data['ID'] . '" ' . selected( isset( $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'] ) ? $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'] : '', $product_data['ID'], false ) . '>' . $product_data['post_title'] . '</option>';
submit_button( __( 'Apply', 'woovoucher' ), 'button', false, false, array( 'id' => 'post-query-submit' ) );
echo '</div>';

function prepare_items() {

// Get how many records per page to show
$per_page = $this->per_page;

// Get All, Hidden, Sortable columns
$columns = $this->get_columns();
$hidden = array();
$sortable = $this->get_sortable_columns();

// Get final column header
$this->_column_headers = array($columns, $hidden, $sortable);

// Get Data of particular page
$data_res = $this->display_purchased_vouchers();
$data = $data_res['data'];

// Get current page number
$current_page = $this->get_pagenum();

// Get total count
$total_items = $data_res['total'];

// Get page items
$this->items = $data;

// We also have to register our pagination options & calculations.
$this->set_pagination_args( array(
'total_items' => $total_items,
'per_page' => $per_page,
'total_pages' => ceil($total_items/$per_page)
) );

* Manage Delete Link
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
public function column_code( $item ){

$actions = array();

if( !get_post_status( $item['post_name'] ) ){

//Build row actions
$actions['delete'] = sprintf( '<a class="woo_vou_delete_voucher_code" href="?page=%s&vou-data=%s&action=%s&code_id=%s&order_id=%s">' . __('Delete', 'woovoucher') . '</a>', $_REQUEST['page'], 'purchased', 'delete', $item['ID'], $item['post_name'] );

$enable_partial_redeem = get_option( 'vou_enable_partial_redeem' );

if( $enable_partial_redeem == "yes" ) {
$partially_redeem_data = get_posts( array(
'post_parent' => $item['ID'],
'post_status' => 'publish',
) );
if( !empty( $partially_redeem_data) ) {

$partially_redeem_data_url = add_query_arg(
'page' => 'woo-vou-codes',
'vou-data' => 'partially_redeemed',
'voucherid' => absint( $item['ID'] )
admin_url( 'admin.php' )
$actions['view_redeem_info'] = '<a href="' . $partially_redeem_data_url . '">' . __( 'Check Partially used data', 'woovoucher' ) .'</a>';

//Return the title contents
return sprintf('%1$s %2$s',

global $current_user;

//Create an instance of our package class...
$WooPurchasedVouListTable = new WOO_Vou_List();

//Fetch, prepare, sort, and filter our data...

<div class="wrap"><?php

if( isset( $_GET['message'] ) && !empty( $_GET['message'] ) && $_GET['message'] == '1' ) { //check message
echo '<div class="updated" id="message">
<p><strong>'.__("Voucher code deleted successfully.",'woovoucher').'</strong></p>

//showing sorting links on the top of the list

<!-- Forms are NOT created automatically, so you need to wrap the table in one to use features like bulk actions -->
<form id="product-filter" method="get" action="">

<!-- For plugins, we also need to ensure that the form posts back to our current page -->
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['page'] ?>" />

<!-- Search Title -->
<?php $WooPurchasedVouListTable->search_box( __( 'Search', 'woovoucher' ), 'woovoucher' ); ?>

<div class="alignright">
$generatpdfurl = add_query_arg( array( 'woo-vou-voucher-gen-pdf' => '1' ) );
$exportcsvurl = add_query_arg( array( 'woo-vou-voucher-exp-csv' => '1' ) );

$html = '<a href="'.$exportcsvurl.'" id="woo-vou-export-csv-btn" class="button-secondary woo-gen-pdf" title="'.__( 'Export CSV', 'woovoucher' ).'">'.__( 'Export CSV', 'woovoucher' ).'</a>';
echo apply_filters( 'woo_vou_hide_voucher_codes_export_csv', $html );

$html = '<a href="'.$generatpdfurl.'" id="woo-vou-pdf-btn" class="button-secondary" title="'.__('Generate PDF','woovoucher').'">'.__( 'Generate PDF', 'woovoucher' ).'</a>';
echo apply_filters( 'woo_vou_hide_voucher_codes_generate_pdf', $html );

<!-- Now we can render the completed list table -->
<?php $WooPurchasedVouListTable->display(); ?>
<?php do_action( 'woo_vou_purchased_list_after_form', $WooPurchasedVouListTable ); ?>

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

This is not so easy because you are showing a complete class.

You have to create shortcode:

function my_shortcode() {
?> <HTML> <here> ... <?php
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode( 'my_shortcode_code', 'my_shortcode' );


Rempty answers:

add this code to your functions.php
function rem_coupon_table(){
global $current_user;
//Create an instance of our package class...
$WooPurchasedVouListTable = new WOO_Vou_List();

//Fetch, prepare, sort, and filter our data...

<div class="wrap"><?php

if( isset( $_GET['message'] ) && !empty( $_GET['message'] ) && $_GET['message'] == '1' ) { //check message
echo '<div class="updated" id="message">
<p><strong>'.__("Voucher code deleted successfully.",'woovoucher').'</strong></p>

//showing sorting links on the top of the list

<!-- Forms are NOT created automatically, so you need to wrap the table in one to use features like bulk actions -->
<form id="product-filter" method="get" action="">

<!-- For plugins, we also need to ensure that the form posts back to our current page -->
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['page'] ?>" />

<!-- Search Title -->
<?php $WooPurchasedVouListTable->search_box( __( 'Search', 'woovoucher' ), 'woovoucher' ); ?>

<div class="alignright">
$generatpdfurl = add_query_arg( array( 'woo-vou-voucher-gen-pdf' => '1' ) );
$exportcsvurl = add_query_arg( array( 'woo-vou-voucher-exp-csv' => '1' ) );

$html = '<a href="'.$exportcsvurl.'" id="woo-vou-export-csv-btn" class="button-secondary woo-gen-pdf" title="'.__( 'Export CSV', 'woovoucher' ).'">'.__( 'Export CSV', 'woovoucher' ).'</a>';
echo apply_filters( 'woo_vou_hide_voucher_codes_export_csv', $html );

$html = '<a href="'.$generatpdfurl.'" id="woo-vou-pdf-btn" class="button-secondary" title="'.__('Generate PDF','woovoucher').'">'.__( 'Generate PDF', 'woovoucher' ).'</a>';
echo apply_filters( 'woo_vou_hide_voucher_codes_generate_pdf', $html );

<!-- Now we can render the completed list table -->
<?php $WooPurchasedVouListTable->display(); ?>
<?php do_action( 'woo_vou_purchased_list_after_form', $WooPurchasedVouListTable ); ?>
$scode= ob_get_clean();
return $scode;

And in your page use the shortcode [rem_coupon_table/]

email889 comments:

Thank you. I tried that and get this error:
Fatal error: Class 'WOO_Vou_List' not found in /home/foodable/public_html/wp-content/themes/x-child-oc/functions.php on line 277

Rempty comments:

ok, now i am including the class

function rem_coupon_table(){
// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

* Purchased Voucher Code List Page
* The html markup for the purchased voucher code list
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
if( ! class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' );

class WOO_Vou_List extends WP_List_Table {

public $model,$render, $per_page;

function __construct(){

global $woo_vou_model,$woo_vou_render;

//Set parent defaults
parent::__construct( array(
'singular' => 'purchasedvou',
'plural' => 'purchasedvous',
'ajax' => false
) );

$this->model = $woo_vou_model;
$this->render = $woo_vou_render;

$this->per_page = apply_filters( 'woo_vou_purchase_posts_per_page', 10 ); // Per page

* Displaying Prodcuts
* Does prepare the data for displaying the products in the table.
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function display_purchased_vouchers() {

global $wpdb, $current_user, $woo_vou_vendor_role;

$args = $data = $search_meta = array();

// Taking parameter
$orderby = isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) ? urldecode( $_GET['orderby'] ) : 'ID';
$order = isset( $_GET['order'] ) ? $_GET['order'] : 'DESC';
$search = isset( $_GET['s'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( trim( $_GET['s'] ) ) : null;

$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => $this->per_page,
'page' => isset( $_GET['paged'] ) ? $_GET['paged'] : null,
'orderby' => $orderby,
'order' => $order,
'offset' => ( $this->get_pagenum() - 1 ) * $this->per_page,
'woo_vou_list' => true

$search_meta = array(
'key' => $prefix . 'purchased_codes',
'value' => '',
'compare' => '!='
'key' => $prefix . 'used_codes',
'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => $prefix .'exp_date',
'value' => '',
'compare' => '='
'key' => $prefix .'exp_date',
'compare' => '>=',
//'type' => 'DATE',
'value' => $this->model->woo_vou_current_date()

//Current user role
$user_roles = isset( $current_user->roles ) ? $current_user->roles : array();
$user_role = array_shift( $user_roles );

//voucher admin roles
$admin_roles = woo_vou_assigned_admin_roles();

if( !in_array( $user_role, $admin_roles ) ) {// voucher admin can redeem all codes
$args['author'] = $current_user->ID;

if( isset( $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'] ) && !empty( $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'] ) ) {
$args['post_parent'] = $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'];

if( !empty( $search ) ) {

$search_meta = array(

'relation' => 'AND',
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => $prefix.'purchased_codes',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => $prefix.'first_name',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => $prefix.'last_name',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => $prefix.'order_id',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => $prefix.'order_date',
'value' => $_GET['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE',

// Get purchased voucher codes data from database

$args['meta_query'] = $search_meta;

$woo_data = $this->model->woo_vou_get_voucher_details( $args );

$data = isset( $woo_data['data'] ) ? $woo_data['data'] : '';

if( !empty( $data ) ) {

foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {

$data[$key]['ID'] = $value['ID'];
$data[$key]['post_parent'] = $value['post_parent'];
$data[$key]['code'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'purchased_codes', true );
$data[$key]['first_name'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'first_name', true );
$data[$key]['last_name'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'last_name', true );
$data[$key]['order_id'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'order_id', true );
$data[$key]['order_date'] = get_post_meta( $value['ID'], $prefix.'order_date', true );
$data[$key]['product_title']= get_the_title( $value['post_parent'] );

$order_id = $data[$key]['order_id'];

$data[$key]['buyers_info'] = $this->model->woo_vou_get_buyer_information( $order_id );

$result_arr['data'] = !empty($data) ? $data : array();
$result_arr['total'] = isset( $woo_data['total'] ) ? $woo_data['total'] : 0; // Total no of data

return $result_arr;

* Mange column data
* Default Column for listing table
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function column_default( $item, $column_name ) {
global $current_user, $woo_vou_vendor_role;
//Current user role
$user_roles = isset( $current_user->roles ) ? $current_user->roles : array();
$user_role = array_shift( $user_roles );

$column_value = '';

switch( $column_name ){
case 'code':
$column_value = $item[ $column_name ];
case 'buyers_info' :
$column_value = $this->model->woo_vou_display_buyer_info_html( $item[ $column_name ] );
case 'product_info' :
$column_value = $this->model->woo_vou_display_product_info_html( $item['order_id'], $item['code'] );
case 'order_info':
$column_value = $this->model->woo_vou_display_order_info_html( $item['order_id'] );
default :
$column_value = isset( $item[ $column_name ] ) ? $item[ $column_name ] : '';

return apply_filters( 'woo_vou_purchased_column_value', $column_value, $column_name, $item );

function column_cb( $item ) {
return sprintf (
'<input type="checkbox" name="%1$s[]" value="%2$s" />',
/*$1%s*/ $this->_args['singular'], //Let's simply repurpose the table's singular label ("movie")
/*$2%s*/ $item['ID'] //The value of the checkbox should be the record's id

* Display Columns
* Handles which columns to show in table
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function get_columns() {

$columns = array(
'code' => __( 'Voucher Code', 'woovoucher' ),
'product_info' => __( 'Product Information', 'woovoucher' ),
'buyers_info' => __( 'Buyer\'s Information', 'woovoucher' ),
'order_info' => __( 'Order Information', 'woovoucher' ),
return apply_filters( 'woo_vou_purchased_add_column', $columns );

* Sortable Columns
* Handles soratable columns of the table
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function get_sortable_columns() {

$sortable_columns = array(
'code' => array( 'code', true ),
//'product_title' => array( 'product_title', true ),
//'buyers_info' => array( 'buyers_info', true ),
'order_date' => array( 'order_date', true ),
'order_id' => array( 'order_id', true ),
return apply_filters( 'woo_vou_purchased_add_sortable_column', $sortable_columns );

function no_items() {
//message to show when no records in database table
_e( 'No purchased voucher codes yet.', 'woovoucher' );

* Bulk actions field
* Handles Bulk Action combo box values
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function get_bulk_actions() {
//bulk action combo box parameter
//if you want to add some more value to bulk action parameter then push key value set in below array
$actions = array();
return $actions;

* Add Filter for Sorting
* Handles to add filter for sorting
* in listing
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
function extra_tablenav( $which ) {

if( $which == 'top' ) {
global $current_user, $woo_vou_vendor_role;

$args = array();

$args['meta_query'] = array(
'key' => $prefix.'purchased_codes',
'value' => '',
'compare' => '!=',

//Current user role
$user_roles = isset( $current_user->roles ) ? $current_user->roles : array();
$user_role = array_shift( $user_roles );

//voucher admin roles
$admin_roles = woo_vou_assigned_admin_roles();

if( !in_array( $user_role, $admin_roles ) ) {// voucher admin can redeem all codes
$args['author'] = $current_user->ID;

$products_data = $this->model->woo_vou_get_products_by_voucher( $args );

echo '<div class="alignleft actions woo-vou-dropdown-wrapper">';?>
<select id="woo_vou_post_id" name="woo_vou_post_id" class="woo_vou_multi_select">
<option value=""><?php _e( 'Show all products', 'woovoucher' ); ?></option><?php
if( !empty( $products_data ) ) {

foreach ( $products_data as $product_data ) {

echo '<option value="' . $product_data['ID'] . '" ' . selected( isset( $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'] ) ? $_GET['woo_vou_post_id'] : '', $product_data['ID'], false ) . '>' . $product_data['post_title'] . '</option>';
submit_button( __( 'Apply', 'woovoucher' ), 'button', false, false, array( 'id' => 'post-query-submit' ) );
echo '</div>';

function prepare_items() {

// Get how many records per page to show
$per_page = $this->per_page;

// Get All, Hidden, Sortable columns
$columns = $this->get_columns();
$hidden = array();
$sortable = $this->get_sortable_columns();

// Get final column header
$this->_column_headers = array($columns, $hidden, $sortable);

// Get Data of particular page
$data_res = $this->display_purchased_vouchers();
$data = $data_res['data'];

// Get current page number
$current_page = $this->get_pagenum();

// Get total count
$total_items = $data_res['total'];

// Get page items
$this->items = $data;

// We also have to register our pagination options & calculations.
$this->set_pagination_args( array(
'total_items' => $total_items,
'per_page' => $per_page,
'total_pages' => ceil($total_items/$per_page)
) );

* Manage Delete Link
* @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers
* @since 1.0.0
public function column_code( $item ){

$actions = array();

if( !get_post_status( $item['post_name'] ) ){

//Build row actions
$actions['delete'] = sprintf( '<a class="woo_vou_delete_voucher_code" href="?page=%s&vou-data=%s&action=%s&code_id=%s&order_id=%s">' . __('Delete', 'woovoucher') . '</a>', $_REQUEST['page'], 'purchased', 'delete', $item['ID'], $item['post_name'] );

$enable_partial_redeem = get_option( 'vou_enable_partial_redeem' );

if( $enable_partial_redeem == "yes" ) {
$partially_redeem_data = get_posts( array(
'post_parent' => $item['ID'],
'post_status' => 'publish',
) );
if( !empty( $partially_redeem_data) ) {

$partially_redeem_data_url = add_query_arg(
'page' => 'woo-vou-codes',
'vou-data' => 'partially_redeemed',
'voucherid' => absint( $item['ID'] )
admin_url( 'admin.php' )
$actions['view_redeem_info'] = '<a href="' . $partially_redeem_data_url . '">' . __( 'Check Partially used data', 'woovoucher' ) .'</a>';

//Return the title contents
return sprintf('%1$s %2$s',

global $current_user;

//Create an instance of our package class...
$WooPurchasedVouListTable = new WOO_Vou_List();

//Fetch, prepare, sort, and filter our data...

<div class="wrap"><?php

if( isset( $_GET['message'] ) && !empty( $_GET['message'] ) && $_GET['message'] == '1' ) { //check message
echo '<div class="updated" id="message">
<p><strong>'.__("Voucher code deleted successfully.",'woovoucher').'</strong></p>

//showing sorting links on the top of the list

<!-- Forms are NOT created automatically, so you need to wrap the table in one to use features like bulk actions -->
<form id="product-filter" method="get" action="">

<!-- For plugins, we also need to ensure that the form posts back to our current page -->
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['page'] ?>" />

<!-- Search Title -->
<?php $WooPurchasedVouListTable->search_box( __( 'Search', 'woovoucher' ), 'woovoucher' ); ?>

<div class="alignright">
$generatpdfurl = add_query_arg( array( 'woo-vou-voucher-gen-pdf' => '1' ) );
$exportcsvurl = add_query_arg( array( 'woo-vou-voucher-exp-csv' => '1' ) );

$html = '<a href="'.$exportcsvurl.'" id="woo-vou-export-csv-btn" class="button-secondary woo-gen-pdf" title="'.__( 'Export CSV', 'woovoucher' ).'">'.__( 'Export CSV', 'woovoucher' ).'</a>';
echo apply_filters( 'woo_vou_hide_voucher_codes_export_csv', $html );

$html = '<a href="'.$generatpdfurl.'" id="woo-vou-pdf-btn" class="button-secondary" title="'.__('Generate PDF','woovoucher').'">'.__( 'Generate PDF', 'woovoucher' ).'</a>';
echo apply_filters( 'woo_vou_hide_voucher_codes_generate_pdf', $html );

<!-- Now we can render the completed list table -->
<?php $WooPurchasedVouListTable->display(); ?>
<?php do_action( 'woo_vou_purchased_list_after_form', $WooPurchasedVouListTable ); ?>
$scode= ob_get_clean();
return $scode;

email889 comments:

Thank you, still error:
Call to undefined function convert_to_screen() in /home/foodable/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php on line 143

Rempty comments:

Sorry but not viable to adapt the current page to front-page, there are some admin classes required to work

email889 comments:

Oh no. I really need to view on front end.

Just checking, do u know anything about setting up custom Ajax for admin-ajax.php replacement?

Rempty comments:

//localize admin-ajax script
wp_localize_script( 'rem-ajaxscript', 'rem_ajax', array( 'ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php')) );

//your php ajax function
function myAjaxFunction(){
//do something
add_action('wp_ajax_myAjaxFunction', 'myAjaxFunction');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_myAjaxFunction', 'myAjaxFunction');

//Your js script to load the ajax event
url: rem_ajax.ajax_url,
//what do with response data