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Need help implementing user front end video upload to post WordPress

Hi Everyone

If someone could assist me with this i'd be very grateful

I work as a designer and our developer left, recently leaving me with a massive project to deal with and i have 1 week to do it, so i'm really stressing, i know basic php and am not savy in wp development, so i really need help from people who do know :)

If this works out i'll be posting alot more on this forum for sure :)

This post focuses on the video uploading aspect of this project,
I'm will post new questions with other money for each section that i need help with,
but just for perspective the overview of the project is as follows

The project Context (just for perspective)

We need to develop a website for an international public speaker who wants to offer training to students online,

The user will have the option can buy 4 different packages,
each package is a set of techniques and has different week's work

When the user buys package 1 for example, his membership is created after payment,
he is then taken to His specific membership page for that course, where he can login and logout at any time and where he can read the instructions of the exercises he needs to practice.

-> an addition i'd like to implement that if the user is only on week1, only week one's content would be available, when it hits the next week that week's material become available etc (i should be able to achieve this in Digital Access Pass - which i have access to)

the MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE - is that the user needs to be able to upload videos of himself speaking,
preferably by using both his webcam and/or uploading a video of himself as mpeg, avi mp4 etc all from the front end.. within his membership page

Once the video has been uploaded.. the page needs to refresh instantly showing the video at the top of the page as a post, where ONLY the moderator and that user can comment on the video. The moderator will provide tips for posture and speaking techniques etc.. BUT only the user and the moderator can see this video blog page no one else!

IF the user then posts another video it needs to follow on under the previous post.


What i need help with!

- I need help visualizing and understanding how to implement the video blog aspect of the site,
- I need advice in terms of considerations or the big picture, interms of the video uploading aspect for a project like this.

The process flow i have in mind for the video submission page(video blog) -

When the user logs in -> selects the course he is on -> then selects "Week1" for eg ->
he can select either the "Instructions" page for the week or he can click "submissions" and be taken to his video blog for that week(or overall weeks whichever)

The page checks which videos he has already submitted and fills the page with those video blog posts

and refresh the page with that post

At the bottom there is a form he can use upload his video, in the form he can select if he wants to use a webcam, else he can just upload mpeg, avl mp4 etc, or even smart phone video if possible

When the user hits submit,
form needs to validate etc, the form i suppose needs to store the media in the wp media section naming it according to page id's and user account id etc

the page refreshes immediately, finds the correct video from the media section and places it as a post at the top if its the first post, or posted below the rest if they exist, with the ability to play it and comment on each video below.

only the moderator and the user must be able to access this page and comment on the videos :)

My Questions

Please could i ask for assistance as to how an expert would visualize implementing this type of functionality? (please may i ask for suggestions) - i really have no idea where to start...

- > Does anyone know of any plugins which can achieve this video uploading functionality? What plugins are available that i could use to implement the video uploading aspect of the site?
and which plugins could i use to implement the video playback on the page?
and how an earth do i link the two?

I will be using "Digital Access Pass" for the membership aspect of the site,
do you think this will be sufficient? - do you recommend something else?
(baring in mind i still need to integrate a south african payment gateway at a later stage)

how can i insure that the correct videos are brought in from the media library?
for the right user and displayed on that members page

and last of all, i'm sorry for lack of specificity, being ignorant etc, as i truly dont understand what to do here.. i can't learn how to do this in wordpress in under a week

Extra info (structure of site) - vision of structure

About us
-> Course 1 -> Click register and takes to register & payment page
-> Course 2 -> Click register and takes to register & payment page
-> Course 3 -> Click register and takes to register & payment page
-> Course 4 -> Click register and takes to register & payment page

Ask questions - > forum type thing where people can submit questions to the instructor about the courses

Member's section -> login form

(if logged in)
-> Show menu for all courses paid for by the user, and still available
-> Active course page
Week1 -
-> Course instructions and materials for that week (template-instructions.php)
-> Video submission page (video blog essentially) (template-vblog.php)
Week2 -
-> Course instructions and materials for that week (template-instructions.php)
-> Video submission page (video blog essentially) (template-vblog.php)

Answers (1)


John Cotton answers:

<blockquote>Please could i ask for assistance as to how an expert would visualize implementing this type of functionality?</blockquote>
There's not a correct answer to that as there are dozens of ways to do it. If you are relying on plugins, then you will be forced to take the approach they have. Personally, I won't try to do this with multiple plugins as could will end up as an integration nightmmare - you have very specific requirements.

<blockquote>Does anyone know of any plugins which can achieve this video uploading functionality?</blockquote>
Search the plugin repository for webcam and you'll find several. Only you can decide whether they meet your precise needs. YouTube also have a really cool bit of javascript (beta at the moment) that records and uploads to YouTube that could easily be integrated with WordPress, but that might not be secure enough for you (although the uploader has to be signed in to YouTube so could - in theory - restrict access to the videos).

<blockquote>and how an earth do i link the two?</blockquote>
Ah! There in lies the rub of using plugins...

<blockquote>I will be using "Digital Access Pass" for the membership aspect of the site,
do you think this will be sufficient?</blockquote>
Does it do everything you want? If so, then yes.

<blockquote>- do you recommend something else?</blockquote>
Write your own. That way, the code does exactly what you want and nothing else.

<blockquote>how can i insure that the correct videos are brought in from the media library?</blockquote>
Well, that's part of your system design, but at the very least you should consider making the user the author of the posts with their videos in.

<blockquote>as i truly dont understand what to do here</blockquote>
...then, with only a week to do it, I'd pay someone else to do the job.

Almost certainly, you can stitch together a series of plugins. But whether that will give you a robust, scalable site is a different matter.